International Society of Dynamic Games

  • DGA Seminar: Noémie Cabau

    Noémie Cabau
    Corvinus University, Hungary

    Dynamic Games and Applications Seminar

    Signaling Effort: Information Structures in a Principal-Agent Model

    Oct 10, 2024   11:00 AM — 12:00 PM

    Zoom webinar link

    We consider a principal-agent relationship where only information messages are contractible, and the agent can design a signal about his effort. The principal may have access to an outside signal that escapes the agent’s control and offers a contract based on the joint signal. In equilibrium, the agent’s signal is informative only if the default contract based on the outside signal only exposes him to a severe and likely punishment. We show that an optimal and informative signal provides weak (strong) evidence of high (low) effort. Surprisingly, the principal does not always benefit from more precise outside signals.

    (With Arseniy Samsonov.)

  • DGA Seminar: Naila Hayek

    Naila Hayek
    Université Panthéon-Assas, Paris II, France

    Dynamic Games and Applications Seminar

    On difference games in infinite-horizon

    Oct 3, 2024   11:00 AM — 12:00 PM

    Zoom webinar link

    We consider infinite-horizon difference games where the dynamics are governed by difference equations or difference inequalities and present various notions of Nash- equilibrium. Pontryagin maximum principles in both strong and weak forms are provided as necessary conditions for Nash equilibrium by using tools of reduction to the finite horizon and conditions related to the infinite horizon. Some special cases are then examined: the case of bounded processes and the case of asymptotical constraints for which tools of optimization in Banach spaces are used to provide necessary conditions for NE. Sufficient conditions are also studied

  • DGA Seminar: Ilyass Dahmouni

    Ilyass Dahmouni
    The University of British Columbia, Canada

    Dynamic Games and Applications Seminar

    On the impact of cross-ownership in a common property renewable resource oligopoly

    Sep 26, 2024   11:00 AM — 12:00 PM

    Seminar in hybrid format at GERAD room 4488 or Zoom

    This paper investigates the effects of cross-ownership structures among firms in a renewable resource industry. We build on previous research to analyze a k-symmetric cross-ownership model where k firms hold equal financial stakes in each other while remaining independent from n-k other firms.

    The study finds that cross-ownership can enhance aggregate profits and social welfare by allowing firms to coordinate their production strategies more effectively. We argue that traditional antitrust policies, which often view cross-ownership as detrimental, may overlook the potential benefits in renewable resource contexts. We emphasize the importance of considering the dynamics of resource stocks and the long-term implications of cross-ownership when formulating regulatory policies.

    (With Miao Dai and Hassan Benchekroun)