International Society of Dynamic Games

  • DGA Seminar: Georges Zaccour

    Georges Zaccour
    Department of Decision Sciences HEC Montréal

    Dynamic Games and Applications Seminar

    Dynamic Games Played over Event Trees with Coupling Constraints

    April 18, 2024 11:00 AM — 12:00 PM (Montreal time)

    Zoom webinar link

    In this talk, I will first present the framework of dynamic games played over event trees (DGPETs) and characterize Nash equilibrium in a setup where the players’ action sets are interdependent. Second, I will illustrate the theory with a model where a set of competing firms procure a product from the same supplier that faces a capacity constraint, including a possible complete shortage, which binds together the ordering strategies of the firms. Numerical results are discussed.
    (The second part is a paper with Elena Parilina and Stefan Wrzaczek.)

  • DGA Seminar: Michel Grabisch

    Michel Grabisch
    Université Paris 1

    Dynamic Games and Applications Seminar

    On the design of public debate in social network

    April 11, 2024 11:00 AM — 12:00 PM (Montreal time)

    Zoom webinar link

    We propose a model of the joint evolution of opinions and social relationships in a setting where social influence decays over time. The dynamics are based on bounded confidence: social connections between individuals with distant opinions are severed while new connections are formed between individuals with similar opinions. Our model naturally gives raise to strong diversity, i.e., the persistence of heterogeneous opinions in connected societies, a phenomenon that most existing models fail to capture. The intensity of social interactions is the key parameter that governs the dynamics. First, it determines the asymptotic distribution of opinions. In particular, increasing the intensity of social interactions brings society closer to consensus. Second, it determines the risk of polarization, which is shown to increase with the intensity of social interactions. Our results allow to frame the problem of the design of public debates in a formal setting. We hence characterize the optimal strategy for a social planner who controls the intensity of the public debate and thus faces a trade-off between the pursuit of social consensus and the risk of polarization. We also consider applications to political campaigning and show that both minority and majority candidates can have incentives to lead society towards polarization.

    (with A. Mandel and A. Rusinowska).

  • DGA Seminar: Emily Tanimura

    Emily Tanimura
    Université Paris 1

    Dynamic Games and Applications Seminar

    Statistical discrimination without knowing statistics: blame social interactions?

    April 25, 2024 11:00 AM — 12:00 PM (Montreal time)

    Zoom webinar link

    We consider a model where decision makers repeatedly receive candidates and assign to them a binary decision that we can interpret as hire/not hire. The decision makers base their decision on the characteristics of the candidate but they are also sensitive to the social influence exerted by the observed past choices of their peers. We characterize the long run frequency of decisions in the model, and show in particular that for candidates belonging to a group with ”un- favorable” characteristics, the dynamics increase the rejection rate compared to a scenario with independent decisions, suggesting that social influence between decision makers can generate effects very similar to those that result from statistical discrimination. We then analyze how the existence and magnitude of a reinforcement in rejection rates depend on different properties of the distribution of characteristics in the candidate population.