International Society of Dynamic Games

  • DGA Seminar: Ilyass Dahmouni

    Ilyass Dahmouni
    The University of British Columbia, Canada

    Dynamic Games and Applications Seminar

    On the impact of cross-ownership in a common property renewable resource oligopoly

    Sep 26, 2024   11:00 AM — 12:00 PM

    Seminar in hybrid format at GERAD room 4488 or Zoom

    This paper investigates the effects of cross-ownership structures among firms in a renewable resource industry. We build on previous research to analyze a k-symmetric cross-ownership model where k firms hold equal financial stakes in each other while remaining independent from n-k other firms.

    The study finds that cross-ownership can enhance aggregate profits and social welfare by allowing firms to coordinate their production strategies more effectively. We argue that traditional antitrust policies, which often view cross-ownership as detrimental, may overlook the potential benefits in renewable resource contexts. We emphasize the importance of considering the dynamics of resource stocks and the long-term implications of cross-ownership when formulating regulatory policies.

    (With Miao Dai and Hassan Benchekroun)

  • DGA Seminar: Jesús Marín Solano

    Jesús Marín Solano
    Universitat de Barcelona,

    Dynamic Games and Applications Seminar

    Status Concern and Environmental Awareness in a Common Access Resource Game with Heterogeneous Agents

    Sep 19, 2024 11:00 AM — 12:00 PM (Montreal time)

    Seminar in hybrid format at GERAD room 4488 or Zoom webinar link

    In an international context, countries and firms are concerned not only with their consumption/extraction levels of a natural resource. They may also consider their relative position compared to other actors. To understand these consequences, previous work in the literature has studied how agents with status concern (such as e.g., output-based and profit-based status) extract or transform a common pool renewable resource. In this paper, we also introduce the possibility that one (or both) agents care about the quantity of the natural resource. This could be the result of several facts. First, the agents might value the own existence of the resource, for ecological or reputational reasons (environmental awareness). Alternatively, a country could benefit economically (e.g. through tourism) from the existence of the resource. Finally, we examine the effects of asymmetries between agents. (With Carles Mañó-Cabello and Jorge Navas)

  • Call for papers

    We are planning to publish a new volume of the Annals.

    Submission deadline: 31 January 2025

    Editors: Guiomar Martín–Herrán, Arne Traulsen and Florian Wagener

    Kind of contributions

    • Research papers, including extended versions of research papers published elsewhere
    • Papers that provide an introduction to a sub-field of current research in dynamic games and applications:
      • context/overview papers
      • literature reviews
      • tutorials

    Further information can be found at the full call for papers.