International Society of Dynamic Games

  • DGA Seminar: Luluwah Al Fagih

    Luluwah Al Fagih
    Hamad Bin Khalifa University

    Dynamic Games and Applications Seminar

    Game Theoretic Approaches for Smart Communities

    September 28, 2023
    11:00 AM — 12:00 PM (Montreal time)

    Webinar link

    In the first part of this talk, a smart energy management scheme based on a non-cooperative dynamic game approach will be presented. The game participants compete for the lowest electricity bill by scheduling their individual energy storage systems. The developed system takes advantage of a pricing tariff offered by a utility company that aims at flattening the aggregated load of a neighbourhood of households during peak times. Simulations show whether a game theoretic approach between households is more efficient than an individualistic one and if a near-constant load can be achieved when a critical mass of battery owners is available. In the second part of this talk, the energy scheduling game will be mapped to address the issue of the shortage of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) that occurred during the COVID-19 outbreak. Experiments conducted for NHS England regions using actual data confirm that the challenge of securing PPE supply during disasters such as COVID-19 can be eased if specific stock management procedures are adopted.

  • DGA Seminar: Hassan Benchekroun

    Hassan Benchekroun
    McGill University

    Dynamic Games and Applications Seminar

    Economically Exhaustible Resources in an Oligopoly-Fringe Model with Renewables

    September 21, 2023
    11:00 AM — 12:00 PM (Montreal time)

    Webinar link

    We consider a game between oligopolistic and fringe suppliers of fossil fuel from an exhaustible resource, and of producers of a renewable perfect substitute. Extraction costs are stock-dependent and strictly convex in the rate of extraction. We characterize the open-loop equilibrium analytically and perform numerical simulations with calibrated parameter values. The effects of our cost assumptions are (i) to have asymptotic, economical instead of physical exhaustion of the non-renewable resource and (ii) the existence of a non-traditional limit-pricing phase in which both fossil and renewables suppliers are active. We decompose the welfare loss of imperfect competition in a conservation and a sequence effect and show that both can be substantial: 3.8 and 4.2 trillion US$ in the calibrated model, respectively. We also find that initial carbon emissions depend non-monotonically on the renewables subsidy rate.

    (with Gerard van der Meijden et Cees Withagen)

  • DGA Seminar: Francesca Parise

    Francesca Parise
    School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
    Cornell University
    United States

    Dynamic Games and Applications Seminar

    Network games with large populations: non-uniqueness and learning dynamics

    September 14, 2023
    11:00 AM — 12:00 PM (Montreal time)

    Webinar link.

    Understanding the role of network interactions is fundamental for improving efficiency, resilience, and welfare in many socio-economic settings. The large size of these systems (e.g., involving billions of users in the case of social platforms) however introduces some challenges from the perspective of a planner that aims at regulating interactions. In fact in many cases, collecting exact network data is either too costly or impossible due to privacy concerns. In these cases however it might be feasible for the planner to collect statistical information about agents’ interactions that can be used to infer a random graph model. A key question is then whether knowledge of such a random graph model is sufficient to infer relevant features of the realized network or to control a dynamical process evolving over it. This question has been addressed in a number of recent works by focusing on network games with unique Nash equilibrium. Yet, many relevant networks may exhibit multiple equilibria. In this talk, we will present novel results in this direction. Specifically, we will present a convergence theory for graphon games with multiple equilibria and algorithms for learning in time-varying settings.