Call for Papers

Annals of the International Society of Dynamic Games

From their first volume, which appeared in 1994, the Annals have mostly published peer reviewed papers as extended versions of those presented at the bi-annual Symposia of the International Society of Dynamic Games, with two early exceptions, which were invitation-based edited volumes on two different focus topics. In the intervening 30 years, publication possibilities for cutting edge research in dynamic games have expanded substantially. In line with this, the aims for the Annals have been revised and expanded as we enter the fourth decade of its existence.

The first aim is, as before, to publish original research in dynamic games and applications, mostly based on presentations made at the most recent International Symposium on Dynamic Games and Applications. This is now expanded allowing for the possibility of publishing extended versions of papers that have appeared elsewhere, provided that appropriate copyright release permissions are obtained. The second aim is to publish papers that bridge the gap between front line research and the general scientific public. That is, the Annals are looking for papers that provide context, either by providing an overview of some part of the current literature or by providing an introduction to a current field of research in tutorial form.

Submission deadline: 31 January 2025

Papers can be submitted to

Editors: Guiomar Martín–Herrán, Arne Traulsen and Florian Wagener

Kind of contributions

  • Research papers, including extended versions of research papers published elsewhere
  • Papers that provide an introduction to a sub-field of current research in dynamic games and applications:
    • context/overview papers
    • literature reviews
    • tutorials


  • Dynamic games and applications
  • Mean-field games 
  • Repeated games
  • Stochastic games
  • Learning and adaptive games
  • Mechanism design
  • Evolutionary games
  • Cooperative equilibria
  • H-infinity control and robust controller designs
  • Theory of optimal control and dynamic games
  • Numerical methods and computer implementation of game models
  • Dynamic bargaining
  • Pursuit-Evasion games
  • Dynkin’s game and its applications
  • Search, encounter and inspection games
  • Application of dynamic games in fields such as
    • Social sciences
    • Networking (telecommunications, transportation…)
    • Economics and finance
    • Management and marketing
    • Environment, energy and resource management
    • Biology

Manuscript guidelines can be found at