XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF DYNAMIC GAMES E-LETTER, issue No. 5, 30 April 1992 Edited by Raimo P. Hamalainen and Harri Ehtamo Systems Analysis Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology ISDG@FINHUT. BITNET or ISDG@FINHUT. HUT. FI XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Dear Dynamic Game Theorist, This is the fifth issue of the Society’s electronic newsletter. The basic minimum work principle in editing this e-letter is that the READERS send important notes and information about symposia, conferences and workshops of dynamic games, as well as abstracts of Ph.D. theses, papers and books, which they want to be included in the newsletter. The format is described below. We hope that no retyping will be needed so please follow the instructions and sample shown below carefully. The news should be concise to keep the newsletter readable. Requests for more complete information about any news item should be directed to its contributor. This e-letter includes the preliminary program of the Fifth International Symposium on Dynamic Games and Applications. Please, especially note the deadline for the hotel reservations, which is May 15. The final program will appear in the end of May and it will be included to the next issue which is planned to be sent out in early June. Looking forward to receiving your news contributions. Raimo P. Hamalainen and Harri Ehtamo P.S. The two e-mail addresses given above are in principle identical. Depending on your network one or both of them should work. If you are in a BITNET node you only need ISDG at FINHUT. In any case the safest and easiest way is to use the reply command in your e-mail system. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Contributed by the Editors April 30 MODEL FOR NEWS SUBMISSIONS Maximum line length is 72 characters. Place the text between two lines of x:ses., The first line should state "Contributed by" and followed by the contributor’s name, in brackets and the date. Then there should be a title line and the text. This info block should be sent to ISDG at FINHUT. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Contributed by Alain Haurie April 26 Fifth International Symposium on Dynamic Games and Applications Conches, July 13 - Grimentz, July 15-17 Preliminary Program Tutorials and Symposium This is the tentative program for the Tutorials and Symposium. Please remember that the conference will start in the Geneva area (Conches), for the tutorials. Then we will move to the village of Grimentz. The day of July 14 is reserved for travelling to Grimentz. It takes 3.5 hours to reach Grimentz by train and Postal bus. A ticket for Grimentz can be obtained at the Cornavin central station in Geneva. In the final program we will provide a time schedule for trains and buses. Plan to arrive in Grimentz before 7 p.m. since the dinner of the evening of July 14 is included in the price. When planning your travel back home, notice that the last bus leaves Grimentz at 7 p.m. If you want to stay one or many more day(s), make sure that you inform Hotel La Marenda. Remember that this is peak season and thus hotel accomodations could be difficult to secure after May 15. If you travel by car you will have no parking problems in Grimentz. In Geneva, finding a free parking is difficult. There is plenty of paying parking available in downtown Geneva. There will be free parking available at Conches. Please send your paper before the end of April, if you want it to be included in the volume of proceedings, distributed at the conference, Tf you want also your paper to be submitted to the first issue of the Annals of Dynamic Games ( A. Haurie, T. Bazar editors), please indicate it when sending your paper in triplicate. The final program will be produced after May 15, when we know who has made hotel reservations in Grimentz. We shall eliminate from the program those who are not yet registered by mid-May. HOTEL RESERVATIONS IN GRIMENTZ AND IN GENEVA HAVE TO BE MADE BEFORE MAY 15, 1992! Pre-Conference Tutorial Sessions CONCHES-GENEVA July 13, 1992 Hotel Carlton 22, rue Amat CH - 1202 GENEVA Switzerland Tel. +41 22/ 731 68 50; Fax. +41 42/ 732 82 47 Symposium GRIMENTZ July 15-17, 1992 Hotel A La Marenda CH - 3961 Grimentz Switzerland Tel. (+4122) 27 65 26 26; Fax. (+4122) 27 65 25 27 For further information (for Hotel Reservation Forms etc.), please contact: Alain HAURIE, Director, Departement d’economie commerciale et industrielle, Faculte SES, Universite de Geneve 2, rue de Candolle, CH-1204, Geneva Switzerland Tel. 41 22 705 72 44 Fax. 41 22 28 52 13 e-mail. HAURIE@CGERUGE11 TUTORIALS CONCHES International Academy of the Environment 4, chemin de Conches Monday, July 13 TUT1: Pavillon H-infinity-Optimal Control via Differential Game Theory 9.00 Part I: Perfect and Sampled State Measurements Tamer BAZAR (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA.) 10.30 Break 11.00 Part II: Imperfect State Measurements Pierre BERNHARD (INRIA, Sophia Antipolis, France.) 12.30 Foyer Lunch TUT2: Pavillon Environmental Management Models 14.00 Registration 14.30 Control and Game Theoretic Perspective on the Modeling of Enhanced Greenhouse Effect J. FILAR (University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia.) 16.00 Break 16.30 Assessing the Impact of International Environmental Policies: a Dynamic Game Perspective B. TOLWINSKI (Colorado School of Mines, USA.) 18.00 Foyer Welcome Cocktail SYMPOSIUM GRIMENTZ, Valais Wednesday, July 15 REG1: Hotel 8.30 Registration PLEN1: Gymnasium 9.00 A Theory of Differential Games L. BERKOWITZ (Purdue University, USA.) 10.00 Break WA1: Gymnasium Invited session, M.L. PETIT, organizer Dynamic Games and Applications to Microeconomics 10.30 A Dynamic Resolution of Prisoner’s Dilemma in Duopoly Paolo CARAVANI (University of Aquila, Italy) 11.00 Capital Accumulation and Entry Deterrence: a Clarifying Note Chaim FERSHTMAN, Art de ZEEUW (Tel-Aviv University, Israel - Tilburg University, The Netherlands) 11.30 Backward Integration as a Trade-off between Rent’s Extraction, Cost Saving and Rigidity Antoine SOUBEYRAN (Universite de Valenciennes, France) 12.00 A Differential Game Contribution to the Coase Conjecture Jacques THEPOT (Universite Louis-Pasteur, France) WA2: Council Numerical Methods 10.30 Searching the Nash Equilibrium of a Stochastic Game by Simulation Alain HAURIE, Donald LABRECQUE, Pierre L' ECUYER (University of Geneva, Switzerland, University of Montreal, Canada.) 11.00 On Variational Inequality Approach to Dynamic Game of O11 Stockpiling Lan ZHAO, George YIN (SUNY - Wayne State University, U.S.A.) 11.30 A Game Theoretic Approach to Searching Stability Boundaries in Structured Uncertainty Problems Edmond JONCKHEERE (University of Southern California, U.S.A.) 12.00 An Algorithm for the Stochastic Min-max Problem Michele BRETON, Saeb EL-HACHEM (GERAD, H.E.C. Montreal, Canada) WA3: Hotel Invited session, V. Kaitala organizer Dynamic Environmental Games 10.30 The Non-uniqueness of Markovian Strategy Equilibrium: the Case of Continuous Time, Cl-strategies for Renewable Resources S. CLEMHOUT, H. ¥. WAN Jr. (Cornell University, U.S.A.) 11.00 CO2 Emissions Taxes: Energy Producers (OPEC) versus Consumers, a Differential Game Engelbert J. DOCKNER, Franz WIRL (Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration - Technical University of Vienna, Austria) 11.30 Coastal States and Distant Water Fleets under Extended Jurisdiction: the Search for Optimal Incentive Schemes Gordon R. MUNRO (University of British Columbia, Canada) 12.00 The Acid Rain Game as a Resource Allocation Process H. TULKENS, K.-G. MALER, V. KAITALA (Universite Catholique de Louvain, Belgium - The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Sweden - Helsinki University of Technology, Finland) WA4: Salon Invited session, A. Melikyan organizer Differential Games I On Cooperative Differential Games S. V. CHISTYAKOV (St. Petersburg University, C.1I.S.) New Optimality Principles in n-person Differential Games L. A. PETROSJAN (St. Petersburg University, C.1.8.) The Minimax Trajectory Planning in Optimal Control Problem with Goal Point Uncertainty Vladimir BOCHAROV, A.S. GOLOVKO, A.A. MELIKYAN. (Moscow Physico-Technical Institute, C.1I.8.) Two Games with Simple Motion on a Cone Naira OVAKIMYAN (Yerevan State University, Armenian Republic) Lunch Gymnasium Computation of Large-Scale Equilibria Between Cooperating or Hierarchized Agents in Energy-Environment Models Richard LOULOU (McGill University, Canada) Break WP1: Gymnasium Applications I The Control of Quality Incentive Contracts Charles TAPIERO (E.S.5.E.C., France) Open Loop Advertising Policies in a Dynamic Duopoly: an Empirical Analysis Pradeep CHINTAGUNTA , Naufel VILCASSIM, Dipak JAIN (Northwestern University, U.S.A.) A Dynamic Model of Product Quality and Warranties Nabil AL-NAJJAR (Universite du Quebec, Montreal, Canada) A Differential Game Model for Optimal Price Subsidy of New Technologies Georges ZACCOUR (GERAD, H.E.C. Montreal, Canada) WP2: Council Invited session, B. Tolwinski organizer Numerical Computation of Feedback Strategies Numerical Approximation of the Value Function in Differential Games Martino BARDI (Universita di Padova, Italy) Fast Solution of Discrete Isaac’s Inequalities M. TIDBALL ( National University of Rosario, Argentina) 19.30 Computation of Piecewise Open-loop Equilibrium Strategies Alain HAURIE, M. ROCHE (Universite de Geneve, Switzerland) 20.00 Discretization of Isaac's equation: A convergence result QO. POURTALLIER, Boleslaw TOLWINSKI, (INRIA, Sophia Antipolis, France - Colorado School of Mines, USA.) WP3: Hotel Invited session, A. MELIKYAN organizer Environmental Management Modelling 18.30 Singular Paths in Differential Games with Simple Motion Arik MELIKYAN (Russian Academy of Sciences, C.1.S.) 19.00 Optimal Stopping Rules in Environmental Design V. V. MAZALOV (Academy of Sciences, C.I.S.) 19.30 Game-theoretical Aproach to Pollution Problem Vv. V. ZAKHAROV (St. Petersburg University, C.I1.S.) 20.00 Game-theoretical Analysis of the Interaction of the Biological Community: Optimal Harvesting Problem V. V. CHANDILYAN (Yerevan University, C.1I.S.) WP4: Salon Differential Games II 18.30 Modelling of Point Sources via the Results of Unaccurate Measurements V.I. MAKSIMOV (Academy of Sciences of Russia, Ural Branch, C.I.S.) 19.00 A Differential Game for the Positional Functional Andrew N. KRASOVSKII (Ural State University, c.I.s.) 19.30 Non-linear Differential Games, Models and Numerical Methods of Solution A.P. HRIPUNOV, A.M. TARAS’EV, V.N. USHAKOV, V.A. VAHRUSHEV (Ural Branch of the Russia Academy of Sciences, Russia) 20.00 Methods of Estimating of the Guaranteed Result in some Differential Games Alexei PASHKOV (Russian Academy of Sciences, C.1.S.) Hotel 20.30 Dinner Thursday, July 16 REG2: Hotel 8.30 Registration PLEN3: Gymnasium 9.00 Stochastic Games: Algorithms, Existence Theorems and Counter-Examples T.E.S RAGHAVAN (University of Illinois, Chicago Circle, USA.) 10.00 Break TA1: Gymnasium Applications ITI 10.30 Contracting Under Incomplete Information Using Linear Proposal Functions Harri EHTAMO, Markku VERKAMA, Raimo P. HAMALATNEN (Helsinki University of Technology, Espoo, Finland 11.00 Modeling Competitive Bidding Jany MOCELLIN (Universite de Geneve, Switzerland) 11.30 Dynamic Equilibrium Models of Capital Accumulation A.D. TSVIRKUN, S. Yu YAKOVENKO (Institute of Control Sciences, Russia - Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel) 12.00 Multimodel Approach to Non-Cooperative Decision Making Problems Wieslaw KRAJEWSKI (Polish Academy of Science, Warsaw, Poland.) TA2: Council Invited session, J. FILAR organizer Stochastic Games 10.30 Stochastic Games with Average Cost Constraints Nahum SHIMKIN (Technion, I.I.T., Israel) 11.00 On the Fractional Power Series Expansion of the Value of a Discounted Stochastic Game W. SZCZECHLA, J.A. FILAR, O.J. VRIEZE (State University of Montana, U.S.A. - University of South Australia, Australia - University of Limburg, The Netherlands) 11.30 Flow Control Using the Theory of Zero Sum Markov Games Eitan ALTMAN (I.N.R.I.A.-Sophia, France) 12.00 Discrete-Time Average Payoff Stochastic Games with Uncountable State Spaces Andrzej NOWAK (Technical University of Wroclaw, POLAND) TA3: Hotel Invited session, B. TOLWINSKI organizer International Environmental Concerns 10.30 On the Credibility of Linear Equilibrium Strategies in Discrete Time Fishery Management Games Harri EHTAMO, Raimo. P. HAMALAINEN (Helsinki University of Technology, Finland) 11.00 Optimists versus Pessimists in the Game of International Pollution Control A. de ZEEUW (Tilburg University, The Netherlands) 11.30 Global Climate Change: Issues Involving Dynamic Game Modeling W. MARTIN, R. PATRICK, B. TOLWINSKI (Colorado School of Mines, U.S.A. 12.00 Multilateral Policy Responses to Global Warming: A Differential Game Analysis Kieran DONAGHY (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, U.S.A.) TA4: Salon Differential Games III 10.30 Overtaking Differential Games Dean CARLSON, Alain HAURIE, Arie LEIZAROWITZ (University of Toledo, U.S.A. - University of Geneva, Switzerland - Technion I.I.T., Israel) 11.00 Generalized Motion of a Front Along its Normal Direction: a Differential Games Approach Pierpaolo SORAVIA (Universita di Padova, Italy) 12.00 On the Strategies Realizing a Stable Imputation in a Cooperative Positional Differential Game Mohammed Said RADJEF (Universite de Bejaia, Algeria) Hotel 12.30 Lunch PLEN4: Gymnasium 17.00 Interior Point Decomposition Techniques for Multi-Agent and Stochastic Environmental Models Jean-Philippe VIAL (University of Geneva, Switzerland.) 18.00 Break TP1: Gymnasium Invited session, ML. PETIT organizer, Dynamic Games and Applications to Macroeconomics 18.30 Overlapping and Simultaneous Games: with an Application to International Trade Negotiations Andrew Hughes HALLETT (University of Strathclyde, U.K.) 19.00 The Discrete-Time Model of Bacchi’s Regional Investment Allocation Problem Yasuo MURATA (Kansai University, Japan) 19.30 A Constrained Min-Max Algorithm for Rival Models of the Same Economic System Berc RUSTEM (Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, U.K.) 20.00 Inefficient and Efficient Equilibria in a Differential Game Model of International Economic Policy-Making Reinhard NECK (University of Bielefeld, Germany) TP2: Council Equilibrium Concepts 18.30 Epsilon-mixed Solutions for the Weak Stackelberg Problem Under Data Perturbations Lina MALLOZI, Jaqueline MORGAN (University of Naples, Italy.) 19.00 Pure Feedback Closed-Loop Stackelberg Strategies for Discrete-Time Descriptor Systems H. XU, K. MIZUKAMI (University of Hixoshima, Japan) 19.30 Is Time Consistency a Refinement of the Nash Equilibrium Concept? Giacomo COSTA (Facolta di Science Politiche, Pisa Italy) 20.00 Stochastic Games: Event-Adapted Equilibria and their Computations Sjur D. FLAM, Georges ZACCOUR (University of Bergen, Norway - GERAD, H.E.C. Montreal, Canada) TP3: Hotel Invited session, K. VRIEZE organizer Environment Related Game Models 18.30 Gaming and Policy Exercising Jan ROTMANS (Netherlands) 19.00 International CFK Reducing Policies Michel den ELZEN (Netherlands) 19.30 UNCSAM, a Computer Package for Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis Peter JANSSEN (Netherlands) 20.00 Distribution of Carbon Dioxide Budgets Koos VRIEZE (University of Limburg, The Netherlands) TP4: Salon Optimal Control I 18.30 Asymptotical Unsensitivity under Data Perturbations: Generalized Attractor Constructions and Approximation Alexander CHENTSOV (Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, Russia) 19.00 Minimax Problems of Optimal Control Bkaterina A, KOSTINA (Institute of Mathematics of Byelorussian Acad. Sci., C.1.S.) 19.30 Optimal Control of the Systems with Distributed Parameters Using Differential Game Theory Boris L. KUCHIN, Lev A. OVCHAROV (State Academy of Oil and Gas, Moscow, C.1I.S.) 20.00 On a Problem of Optimal Control Outlay for Interacting Systems A.V. KRYAZHIMSKII (Institute of mathematics and Mechanics, Ekaterinburg, C.1I.S8.) TP5: Mazot Modelling 18.30 A Modelling of State-Manufacturer Relations: a Differential Game Approach Yuri CHISTIAKOV , Svetlana A. EVSEEVA (Russian Academy of Sciences, C.I.S.) 19.00 The Dynamic Market Game of Producers O.N. BONDAREVA (St Petersburg University, C.I1.S.) 19,30 The Dynamic Games with Many Players Nikolai L. GRIGORENKO (Moscow State University, C.I.S.) 20.00 The Influence of the Receiver's Properties on the Information Utility Lena Z. MOCHONKO (Russian Academy of Sciences, C.1I.S.) Hotel 20.30 Dinner Friday, July 17 REG3: Hotel 8.30 Registration PLENS: Gymnasium 9.00 Deterministic Control of Uncertain Systems Based on a Constructive Use of Lyapunov Stability Theorem George LEITMANN (University of California, Berkeley, USA.) 10.00 Break FA1L: Gymnasium Applications III 10.30 Learning by Doing and Technology Transfers in an Asymmetric Duopoly Maria Luisa PETIT, Boleslaw TOLWINSKI (Universita di Roma "La Sapienza", Italy - Colorado School of Mines, U.S.A.) 11.00 A Game Theory Study of Sustainable International Agreements V. KAITALA, M. POHJOLA (Helsinki University of Technology - Helsinki School of Economics; Finland) 11.30 Great Fish Wars and Nash Equilibrium Sjur D. FLAM (Bergen University, Norway) 12.00 Future Switches in Time-Dependent Cooperation Margriet B. KLOMPSTRA (Delft Universitz of Technology, The Netherlands) FA2: Council Air Combat 10.30 The Rabbit and the Hunter Game: an Application to a Close-In Weapon System Odile POURTALLIER, Bernard TOMASINI, Gilbert DURAND, Guy MAYNARD de la VALETTE (I.N.R.I.A., C.E.S.I., DIGILOG, D.C.N./C.E.E.S.D.A. - France) 11.00 A Computational Method for Estimating Winning Region in a Two Person Differential Game with Two Targets Russel STONIER (University of Central Queensland, Australia) 11.30 Neural Network Control of an Air Combat Game J.M. SKOWRONSKI (University of Southern California, USA.) 12.00 Aircraft Control Problems in the Presence of Windshear V.S. PATSKO (Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, Ekaterinburg, C.1I.S8.) FA3: Hotel Pollution Control 10.30 International Coordination of Pollution Control Engelbert J. DOCKNER , Manfred HAGER (Vienna Unversity of Economics and Business Administration, Austria) 11.00 A Differential Game of International Pollution Control Frederick VAN der PLOEG, Aart De ZEEUW (Tilburg University, The Netherlands) 11.30 Air Quality Management: A Stackelberg Game Formulation Climis A. DAVOS, George P. PAPAVASSTLOPCULOS (University of California - University of Southern California, U.S.A.) 12.00 Capital Accumulation under Pollution Control: Lump-sum Levy versus Pollution Indexed Tax in a Differential Game Framework Michael Tow CHEUNG, David Wing-Kay YEUNG (University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong) FA4: Salon Optimal Control II 10.30 Probability, Perspective, and Points to Ponder About: The Case of the Monty Hall Problem Appa Rao KORUKONDA (St. Bonaventure University, U.S.A.) 11.00 Construction of the Optimal Feedback-Controller for Constrained Optimal Control Problems with Unknown Disturbances Michael BREITNER, Hano Josef PESCH (University of Technology, Munchen) 11.30 The Indefinite LQ-Problem: The Finite Planning Horizon Case Jacob ENGWEDA (Tilburg University, The Netherlands) Hotel 12.30 Lunch FP1: Gymnasium Bargaining 14.00 Collective Bargaining: A High-Low Search Game with Deception Steve ALPERN, Diane REYNIERS (London School of Economics - London Business School, U.K.) 14,30 Dynamic Bargaining in a Decentralized Financial Market and Portfolio Selection Emilio BARUCCI (Universita degli studi di Firenze, Italy) 15.00 Strikes and Bargaining under One-Sided Private Information Jaakko KIANDER (¥rjo Jahnsson Foundation, Helsinki, Finland.) 15.30 Sequential Incomplete Information Wage Bargaining: Short and Long Term Contracts Diane J, REYNIERS (London Business School, U.K.) 16.00 Survival Game: a Dynamic Approach to N-Person Bargaining Gianfranco GAMBARELLI (University of Bergamo, Italy) 16.30 Dynamic Nondisenfranchisement Lee PAPAYANOPOULOS (Rutgers University, U.S.A.) FP2: Council Pursuit-Evasion Games 14.00 Pursuit Games with Costly Information: Two Approaches Pierre BERNHARD, Jean Marie NICOLAS and Odile POURTALLIER (INRIA, Sophia Antipolis and Thomson Sintra, France) 14.30 The Circular Wall Pursuit Joseph LEWIN (Technion, IIT, Israel.) 15.00 Capture Criteria of a Bank-to-Turn Pursuer; a Novel 3-D Differential Game Abraham SEGAL (Israel Aircraft Industry, Israel) 15.30 The Cubic Algorithm for Global Games with Application to Pursuit-Evasion Games Efim A. GALPERIN (Universite du Quebec Montreal) 16.00 On the Pursuit of a "Blind" High-Maneuverability Evader Josef SHINAR (Technion, I.I.T., Israel) 16.30 Theorie elementaire des jeux de la poursuite Grigori TOMSKI (Yakoutsk University, C.I.S.) FP3: Hotel Invited session, G. LEITMANN organizer Environmental Applications 14.00 Robust CO2 Management Games Christophe DEISSENBERG (Universite du Quebec Montreal, Canada) 14,30 The Evolutionary Response of Biological Systems to Human Activity Thomas L. VINCENT (University of Arizona, U.S.A.) 15.00 Reduced Order Feedback Control for a Two-Compartment Drug Administration Model in the Presence of Model Parameter Uncertainty George LEITMANN, C.S. LEE (University of California, Berkeley, USA) 15.30 Title not communicated Richard F. HARTL, Alexander MEHLMAN (TU Vienna, Austria) FP4: Salon Invited session, TT. BASAR organizer Recent Advances on the Game-Theoretic Approach to H-infinity-Optimal Control 14.00 Finite Horizon Mixed H2 and H-infinity Estimation Kenko UCHIDA, Masayuki FUJITA, (Waseda University - Kanazawa University, Japan.) 14.30 Game Theory Approach to H-infinity-Optimal Discrete-Time Fixed Point and Fixed-Lag Smoothing ¥. THEODOR, U. SHAKED, (Tel-Aviv University, Israel.) 15.00 H-infinity-Optimal Control of Singularly Perturbed Systems with Sampled-State Measurements Zigang PAN, Tamer BASAR, (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, U.S.A.) 15.30 A Nash Game Approach to Mixed H2 / H-infinity Control Britta HENDEL, David LIMEBEER, (Imperial College, England.) 16.00 H-infinity-Optimal Control for Infinite-Dimensional Systems Alain BENSOUSSAN, Pierre BERNHARD (INRIA, Rocquencourt ~ Sophia Antipolis, France.) 16.30 Nonlinear H-infinity Control via Measurement Feedback Alberto ISIDORI (Universita di Roma La Sapienza, Rome, Italy.) 17.00 FAREWELL COCKTAIL XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX End of ISDG E-LETTER issue No. 5, 30 April 1992