xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF DYNAMIC GAMES E-LETTER, issue No. 44, February 14, 2003 Edited by Harri Ehtamo and Raimo P. Hämäläinen Systems Analysis Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology ISDG@HUT.FI, or xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx contributed by Georges Zaccour Jan 15 ANNOUNCEMENT: ISDG Membership Fees for 2003 and 2004 The ISDG membership fees for 2003 and 2004 is 100 Canadian dollars altogether. By paying it, you can get at least the following items: International Game Theory Review, IGTR, for 2003 and 2004 Considerably lower registration fee at next symposium in 2004 You can find the ISDG Subsription Fees Form at the ISDG web-page: by clicking "Membership fee" in the frame of the main page. The membership fee is not compulsory to attend the ISDG symposia and workshops and to get the electronic newsletter. You can get the newsletter by joining the ISDG mailing list, see the ISDG web-page. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx contributed by the Editors Feb 14 Eight Viennese Workshop on Optimal Control, Dynamic Games and Nonlinear Dynamics: Theory and Applications in Economics and OR/MS Vienna, May 14-16, 2003 Organized by: Gustav Feichtinger, Vienna University of Technology Richard F. Hartl, University of Vienna Please, have a look at the workshop web-page: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx contributed by the Editors Feb 14 Fourth International ISDG Workshop Goslar, Germany May 19 to May 21, 2003 Organized by: Michael H. Breitner, Universität Hannover Please, have a look at the workshop web-page: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx contributed by Georges Zaccour Jan 15 PHOTOS FROM THE 2002 ISDG SYMPOSIUM, ST. PETERSBURG, RUSSIA, AVAILABLE AT: Short Report on the St. Petersburg Symposium: The 10th International Symposium on Dynamic Games and Applications, ISDG2002, was organized in Saint Petersburg University, Saint Petersburg, Russia, from July 8 till 12, 2002 by the International Society of Dynamic Games, ISDG, and Russian Chapter of ISDG. The Symposium attracted 133 participants from more than 20 countries; 83 registrants from outside FSU and about 50 from Russia, Ukraine, and Armenia. Executive Board of ISDG During the St. Petersburg meeting, half of the board was renewed. The current members of the board are: Elected in 2002 for the period 2002-2006: Michael Breitner Paolo Caravani Stephane Lemenec Leon Petrosjan Mabel Tidbal Georges Zaccour Elected in 2000 for the period 2000-2004: Harri Ehtamo Vladimir Gaitsgory Alain Haurie Fiumaki Imado Jacqueline Morgan Andrzej Nowak Pierre Bernhard, President of the ISDG 1998-2002, retired, and Georges Zaccour was elected as the President for 2002-2006. The officers of the Society for 2002-2006 are: President: Georges Zaccour Vice president: Michael Breitner Treasurer: Alain Haurie Secretary: Harri Ehtamo Liaison with IGTR, International Game Theory Review: Leon Petrosjan * * * 11th ISDG Symposium The 11th ISDG Symposium will take place at the Ventana Canyon Resort Tucson, Arizona December 18-21, 2004 The Chair of the Organizing Committee: Thomas Vincent Scientific committee, submission details, registration fees, etc. will be announced soon. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx contributed by Georges Zaccour Jan 15 The following papers presented mainly in the 9th ISDG Symposium in Adelaide, Australia, in December 2000, have been accepted for publication in the next Annals of the ISDG, Volume 7: 1. D.A. Carlson: Normalized overtaking Nash equilibrium for a class of distributed parameter dynamic games. 2. A. Wiszniewska-Matyszkiel: A dynamic game with continuum of players and its counterpart with finitely many players. 3. J.-P. Aubin: Dynamic core of fuzzy dynamical cooperative games. 4. B. Amable, E.C. Ernst, S. Palombarini: Endogenous shoks and evolutionary strategy: an application to a three players game. 5. K. Okuguchi: Endogenous rent-seeking games. 6. E. Altman, H. Kameda: Equilibria for multiclass routing problems in multi-agent networks. 7. R. El Azouzi, M. Abbad, E. Altman: A Taylor series expansion for H1 control of perturbed Markov jump linear systems. 8. H.-U. Küenle: Markov games under geometric drift condition. 9. A.P. Flitney: Quantum life. 10. A. Costa, M. Fackrell, P. Taylor: Two issues surrounding Parrondos paradox. 11. A. Allison, C. Pearce, D. Abbott: The fractal properties of randomy selected Markov transition operators with parrondos games as a special case. 12. R. Toral: Cooperative Parrondo games. 13. L.A. Petrosjan: Cooperative dierential games. 14. P. Secchi, W.D. Sudderth: A simple two person stochastic game with money. 15. H. Mukaidani, H. Xu, K. Mizukami: Numerical algorithm for cross-coupled algebraic Riccati equations. 16. I. Karatzas, M. Shubik, W. Sudderth: Infromation and the existence of stationary Markovian equilibrium. 17. G.P. Harmer, D. Abbott, J.M.R. Parrondo: Simulations of Parrondos games; Parrondos capital and history dependent games. 18. J. Ng, D. Abbott: Introduction to quantum games and a quantum Parrondo game. 19. P. Bernhard: Robust control approach to option pricing, including transaction costs. 20. S. Sorin: New approaches and recent advances in two person zero-sum repeated games. 21. T. Alpcan, T. Basar: Distributed algorithms for Nash equilibrium of flow control games. 22. A. Haurie, G. Zaccour: S-adapted equilibria in games played over event trees on overview. 23. M. Falcone, P. Stefani: Advances in parallel algorithms for the Isaacs equation. 24. E.Z. Ferenstein: On randomized stopping games. 25. T.S. Ferguson: Selection by committee. 26. E. Solan, N. Vieille: Stopping games - recent results. 27. V. Domansky: Dynkins games with randomized stopping rules. 28. M. Sakaguchi: Optimal stopping games where players have weighted privilege. 29. V.V. Mazalov, A.A. Zabelin: Equilibrium in an arbitration procedure. 30. Y. Yoshida, M. Yasuda, M. Kurano, J. Nakagami: Stopping game problem for dynamic fuzzy systems. 31. Z. Porosinski: A competitive best choice problem. 32. D. Ramsey, K. Szajowski: The bilateral secretary problems. 33. E. Altman: Applications of dynamic games in queues. 34. P. Wiecek: Continuous convex stochastic games of capital accumulation. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx contributed by the Editors Feb 14 Please, have a look at the ISDG web pages ! ! !, or Especially note that you can now announce the forthcoming conferences (by including the corresponding conference web site) in the ISDG web pages in "News and conferences" or in "ISDG meetings". Mail your contributions to This newsletter publishes only the most important news dealing with the operation of the ISDG society. Abstracts of Ph.D. theses, papers and books are also wellcome. You are now in the ISDG mailing list. Note that you can unsubscribe from the list, change your email adress in the list, or send your own messages to the list members by following the instructions in the above web site. Looking forward to receiving your news contributions. The Editors of the ISDG electronic newsletter xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx End of ISDG E-LETTER issue No. 44, February 14, 2003