xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF DYNAMIC GAMES E-LETTER, issue No. 39, April 18, 2000 Edited by Raimo P. Hamalainen and Harri Ehtamo Systems Analysis Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology ISDG@HUT.FI xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Dear Dynamic Game Theorist, This is the thirtyninth issue of the Society's electronic newsletter. The basic minimum work principle in editing this e-letter is that the READERS send important notes and information about symposia, conferences and workshops of dynamic games, as well as abstracts of Ph.D. theses, papers and books, which they want to be included in the newsletter. The format is described below. We hope that no retyping will be needed so please follow the instructions and sample shown below carefully. The news should be concise to keep the newsletter readable. Requests for more complete information about any news item should be directed to its contributor. We appreciate any comments and suggestions that you may have on this e-letter. Looking forward to receiving your news contributions. Raimo P. Hamalainen and Harri Ehtamo P.S.: We ENCOURAGE you now to submit any news items you may have suitable to the electronic Newsletter. So, please send us if you have any! We are ready to deliver it promptly. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Contributed by the Editors April 18 MODEL FOR NEWS SUBMISSIONS Maximum line length is 72 characters. Place the text between two lines of x:ses. The first line should state "Contributed by" and followed by the contributor's name, in brackets and the date. Then there should be a title line and the text. This info block should be sent to ISDG at HUT.FI xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Contributed by Tuomas Raivio April 18 ISDG in the Web The ISDG home page is located at The pages contain a short description of the ISDG Society, the symposia organized by it, the e-letter distribution list together with copies of past ISDG News. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Contributed by A.S. Nowak April 18 DEADLINE! ! ! APRIL 20! ! ! For the Submission of Papers or Extended Abstracts To the 9th International Symposium on Dynamic Games and Applications Dec. 18-21, 2000 Adelaide, South Australia All papers (or extended abstracts) are to be submitted to the Program Chairman, Prof. A.S. Nowak, by 20th April 2000. The address for submission is: Ms Anna Jaskiewicz ISDG Conference Submission Institute of Mathematics Wroclaw University of Technology Wyspianskiego 27 50-370 Wroclaw, Poland E-mail: For more information, visit the Symposium web site: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Contributed by Tuomas Raivio April 18 Ph.D. DISSERTATION Title: Computational methods for dynamic optimization and pursuit- evasion games Author: Tuomas Raivio Systems Analysis Laboratory Helsinki University of Technology P.O. Box 1100, 02015 HUT, FINLAND Date: April 2000 Supervising professor: Raimo P. Hamalainen Supervisor: Professor Harri Ehtamo Preliminary examiners: Dr. Jari Hamalainen, VTT Automation Dr. Marko Makela, University of Jyvaskyla Official opponent: Professor Michael Breitner Technische Universität Clausthal, Germany Abstract:The thesis deals with the numerical solution of deterministic optimal control problems and pursuit-evasion games that emerge in the field of aircraft trajectory optimization. In the optimization framework, the thesis presents a continuation method for minimum time problems and compares the use of discretization and nonlinear programming with indirect approaches through numerical examples. Motivated by the benefits of the discretization and nonlinear programming, the thesis extends the underlying ideas into pursuit-evasion games. The approaches proposed here allow the computation of open-loop representations of feedback saddle point strategies for a class of pursuit-evasion games without explicitly solving the necessary conditions. Numerical results are computed for complex pursuit-evasion problems describing a missile chasing an aircraft and a visual identification of an unknown aircraft. Finally, a way to use the proposed approaches in the numerical solution of a game of kind is presented and applied to the estimation of the capture set of an optimally guided missile. Although the application examples are related to aeronautics, the presented methods are of a general nature and can be applied to different areas as well. Keywords: optimal control, pursuit-evasion games, multipoint boundary value problems, discretization and nonlinear programming, aerospace applications. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx End of ISDG E-LETTER issue No. 39, April 18, 2000