xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF DYNAMIC GAMES E-LETTER, issue No. 38, November 8, 1999 Edited by Raimo P. Hamalainen and Harri Ehtamo Systems Analysis Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology ISDG@HUT.FI xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Dear Dynamic Game Theorist, This is the thirtyeighth issue of the Society's electronic newsletter. The basic minimum work principle in editing this e-letter is that the READERS send important notes and information about symposia, conferences and workshops of dynamic games, as well as abstracts of Ph.D. theses, papers and books, which they want to be included in the newsletter. The format is described below. We hope that no retyping will be needed so please follow the instructions and sample shown below carefully. The news should be concise to keep the newsletter readable. Requests for more complete information about any news item should be directed to its contributor. We appreciate any comments and suggestions that you may have on this e-letter. Looking forward to receiving your news contributions. Raimo P. Hamalainen and Harri Ehtamo P.S.: We ENCOURAGE you now to submit any news items you may have suitable to the electronic Newsletter. So, please send us if you have any! We are ready to deliver it promptly. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Contributed by the Editors Nov 8 MODEL FOR NEWS SUBMISSIONS Maximum line length is 72 characters. Place the text between two lines of x:ses. The first line should state "Contributed by" and followed by the contributor's name, in brackets and the date. Then there should be a title line and the text. This info block should be sent to ISDG at HUT.FI xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Contributed by Tuomas Raivio Nov 8 ISDG in the Web The ISDG home page is located at The pages contain a short description of the society, a list of members, and copies of past ISDG News. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Contributed by Ehud Kalai Oct 30 CALL FOR PAPERS THE FIRST WORLD CONGRESS OF THE GAME THEORY SOCIETY GAMES 2000 Bilbao, Spain, July 24-28, 2000 Including: Inaugural Statement by Kenneth J. Arrow, Keynote Lecture by Reinhard Selten, Morgenstern Lecture by Lloyd S. Shapley and Presidential Address by Robert J. Aumann The program committee is soliciting papers that deal with all aspects of game theory and applications. To be considered, please submit a one page extended abstract of no more than 500 words to Ehud Kalai by any one of the following formats: 1. E-mail to: Please keep it in pure e-mail format, without attachments, and indicate GAMES 2000 in the subject entry. 2. Regular mail to: Ehud Kalai GAMES 2000, Kellogg School of Management Northwestern University Evanston, IL 60208-2001 USA 3. Fax: +1 847 467-3646 Please indicate GAMES 2000 on the fax cover page. With your submission, please include your affiliation and your phone and e-mail coordinates during 1999 and 2000. We will acknowledge all submissions and aim to have a first program draft by March 2000. The deadline for submission with guaranteed consideration is December 31, 1999 (late submissions will be considered subject to availability of time). For administrative questions about the congress, please contact Professor Federico Valenciano , and for information about the Game Theory Society please see xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Contributed by "The Organizers" Oct 13 Fourth Spanish Meeting on Game Theory and Applications Game Practice II and Eight Summer Meeting 19-21 July, 2000 Valencia, Spain First Announcement The number of Spanish game theorists has increased considerably in recent years. In 1994 it was decided to hold a Spanish Meeting on Game Theory every two years. The meetings in Bilbao (1994), Santiago de Compostela (1996) and Barcelona (1998), were a great success, with more than 100 presentations in each of them. This shows the good health of the many Spanish research groups in Game Theory and their growing international links. The next Spanish Meeting will take place in Valencia in July 2000, the week before the First Conference of the International Game Theory Society in Bilbao. The Spanish Meeting is open to participants from all countries. Its areas of interest cover all aspects of Game Theory and its applications. The language of the Meeting is English, although there will be some sessions in Spanish for those unwilling to present their contribution in English. Game Practice II. During the Fourth Spanish Meeting on Game Theory, the second edition of Game Practice will take place. Game Practice is a series of workshops devoted to applied game theory organized by Fioravante Patrone, Stef Tijs and Ignacio García-Jurado. The first edition was in Genova in 1998, and the second and third will be held in Valencia (2000) and Tilburg (2002), respectively. Eighth Summer Meeting. The Summer Meetings are annual international workshops on different topics of Game Theory and Applications which have been held in Valencia, jointly organized with Stony Brook, during the last seven years. This year the Summer Meeting will coincide with the Fourth Spanish Meeting on Game Theory. In the next months you will receive a ore detailed second announcement of the conferences. For any additionalinformation, please send an e-mail to Also, you can visit us at the web site Organizers: Amparo Urbano, Gonzalo Olcina, Yair Tauman and Carles Rafels. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Contributed by Robert Bitmead Nov 4 CDC 2000 39th IEEE Conference of Decision and Control Tuesday December 12 to Friday December 15, 2000 Sydney Convention and Exhibition Centre, Sydney, Australia The Call for Papers is now available for download in several forms from "" The main web site is at "" Please inspect these materials for updated information. Please do not respond to the above email address. Replies to this email address are not read. Robert Bitmead, General Chair. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx End of ISDG E-LETTER issue No. 38, Nov 8, 1999