xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF DYNAMIC GAMES E-LETTER, issue No. 37, October 26, 1999 Edited by Raimo P. Hamalainen and Harri Ehtamo Systems Analysis Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology ISDG@HUT.FI xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Dear Dynamic Game Theorist, This is the thirtyseventh issue of the Society's electronic newsletter. The basic minimum work principle in editing this e-letter is that the READERS send important notes and information about symposia, conferences and workshops of dynamic games, as well as abstracts of Ph.D. theses, papers and books, which they want to be included in the newsletter. The format is described below. We hope that no retyping will be needed so please follow the instructions and sample shown below carefully. The news should be concise to keep the newsletter readable. Requests for more complete information about any news item should be directed to its contributor. We appreciate any comments and suggestions that you may have on this e-letter. Looking forward to receiving your news contributions. Raimo P. Hamalainen and Harri Ehtamo P.S.: We ENCOURAGE you now to submit any news items you may have suitable to the electronic Newsletter. So, please send us if you have any! We are ready to deliver it promptly. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Contributed by the Editors Oct 26 MODEL FOR NEWS SUBMISSIONS Maximum line length is 72 characters. Place the text between two lines of x:ses. The first line should state "Contributed by" and followed by the contributor's name, in brackets and the date. Then there should be a title line and the text. This info block should be sent to ISDG at HUT.FI xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Contributed by Tuomas Raivio Oct 26 ISDG in the Web The ISDG home page is located at The pages contain a short description of the society, a list of members, and copies of past ISDG News. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Contributed by Christophe Deissenberg Oct 19 CALL FOR PAPERS WORKSHOP OF THE Society for Computational Economics Special Interest Group on Economic Dynamics COMPLEX BEHAVIOR IN ECONOMICS: MODELING, COMPUTING, AND MASTERING COMPLEXITY In memoriam Siegmar Stoeppler Organizers: Christophe Deissenberg (Aix-Marseille II), Gustav Feichtinger (Vienna), Suresh P. Sethi (Dallas), Klaus-Peter Kistner (Bielefeld) Local organization: Christophe Deissenberg, Jules Nyssen Place and date: Aix en Provence (Marseilles), France, May 4-6, 2000. Subject: Complex behavior in economics: modeling, computing, and mastering complexity. Motivation: The last 15 or 20 years have been marked by fundamental advances on the endogenous sources of complex behavior in micro- and macro-economics, and on the practical and methodological implications of such behavior. Theses advances are much related to the development of appropriate numerical approaches. Indeed, analytic methods allow to evidence and to apprehend complexity only in special, often artificial cases. Different approaches are possible to model complex endogenous dynamics. In particular: 1) The complex dynamics may be generated by non-linearities in an aggregated system described by low-dimensional difference or differential equations, in the tradition of Goodwin's endogenous cycles models. 2) The complex dynamics may result from local interactions in a disaggregated system - this is the approach followed among others within the framework of the research programs on agent based economies or on Internet economics. Independently of its origin, there is a need to develop methods allowing to cope with economic complexity. In a nutshell, one needs to: 3) Apprehend, locally predict, learn, control, optimize complex economic systems. Here again, mastering the complexity typically implies using numerical methods. Among these, bio-mimetic approaches (genetic algorithms, neural nets, hybrid approaches, ...) appear most promising Thus motivated, the workshop will cover, from an interrelated perspective, three main themes: Theme 1: Aggregated models of economic behavior Theme 2: Disaggregated models of economic behavior and artificial societies Theme 3: Mastering complex problems in economics, finance, and management. The workshop is dedicated to Siegmar Stoeppler, a most estimated colleague and friend of many of us, who pioneered dynamic and disaggregated thinking in Germany until his untimely death. Audience: The addressed topics should be of interest for theoretical and applied economists, researchers in finance, marketing, and insurance, as well as for epistemologists, mathematicians, computer scientists, specialists of numerical methods. Possible topics (non exhaustive list): - Cycles and chaos in aggregated models - Agent-based economies: modeling, analysis, and economic implications - Internet economics - Electronic shopping - Internet agents - Modeling local behavior - Spatial economics - Artificial intelligence - New approaches for data analysis - Bayesian networks in economic decision-making - Applications of data mining in finance and insurance - Local and global optimization - Control of chaotic systems - Learning in a complex environment - Forecasting in a complex environment - Numerical evaluation methods (prices of financial assets, ...) - Methodological and epistemological implications of complexity - Complex behavior in dynamic games Papers presenting practical applications (e.g., in finance, marketing, insurance, electronic trading, etc.) are to be particularly welcomed. International Scientific Committee: Hans Amman, University of Amsterdam Robert Axtell, The Brookings Institution Ken Binmore, University College London Carl Chiarella, Sidney University of Technology Marie Cottrell, University of Paris I Hennie Danniels, University of Tilburg Herbert Dawid, University of Vienna Richard Day, University of Southern California, Los Angeles Manfred Gilli, University of Geneva Bill Goffe, The University of Southern Mississippi Jean-Jacques Grandmont, ENSEA Ken Judd, The Hoover Institution David Kendrick, University of Texas at Austin Alan Kirman, University of Aix-Marseille III and EHESS Albert Marcet, University Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona Philippe Michel, University of Aix-Marseille II and Institut Universitaire de France Kadio Nishimura, University of Kyoto Bernard Paulré, University of Paris I Willi Semmler, University of Bielefeld and The New School for Social Research Richard Topol, CNRS Alain Venditti, University of Aix-Marseille II Bernard Walliser, Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées Franz Wirl, Otto v. Guericke University, Magdeburg ... and the organizers! Publications: One fully refereed book with either Springer or Kluwer, dedicated to Siegmar Stoeppler. Possibly also, special issues of the Journal of Computational Economics, and/or other international Journals. The articles will preferably have to be written in TeX. The preprints will be available on the Web (no printed copies). Important dates: Please return the form at the bottom of this page AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. ALSO, IN YOUR OWN INTEREST, RESERVE ACCOMMODATION AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Abstract should be received by December 1st, 1999. Acceptation date: January 30, 2000. Full papers should be sent, preferably in PDF or PS, before April 1st. Accommodation and fees: Conference fees: 900 Frs. before March 1st, 2000, 1200 Frs after that, lunches and coffee breaks included. Student fees: 500 Frs. with lunches, 300 without. Conference dinner extra (400 Frs - including boat trip on the Mediterranean, with visit of the unique "Calanques"). The workshop will take place in a convent 5 kms outside of Aix en Provence. Very simple facilities (single or double rooms), in very nice surroundings (forest, fields,...) ... and remember that Aix is a most lovely place to be at that time of the year! Full board 250 Frs/day/person in addition to the conference fees (limited number of rooms) very early reservation WITH payment imperative. Note that the full pension price is much lower than what you would have to pay just for an hotel room in a middle class hotel in Aix! Payment is possible by check in French francs or credit card. Conference e-mail and web page: To facilitate fast and efficient communication, we strongly suggest that all correspondence (including delivery of papers) be made by e-mail at: (Put in the Subject: COMPLEXITY) Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions concerning the workshop. If you do NOT have access to electronic mail, contact: Prof. Christophe Deissenberg CEFI Château La Farge Route des Milles 13290 Les Milles, France Tel. + (33) 4 42 93 59 93 FAX + (33) 4 42 38 95 85 by surface mail or fax. We will provide further information on the workshop, the social program, registration, accommodation, etc., on the web-page: as soon as available. For the moment, if you want information about Aix and the Provence, please look at: Hoping to see you in Aix 2000, your Christophe Deissenberg, Gustav Feichtinger, Suresh P. Sethi, Klaus-Peter Kistner ************************************************************** If you wish to participate in the Workshop please send an email (plain text format, no html) to Subject: COMPLEXITY with the following body: Name: {name} Title: {Prof., Dr, ... } Affiliation: {institution and department} Address: {complete mailing address} Phone: {phone number including country code} Fax: {fax number including country code } Email: {email address} Presentation of a paper: Yes/No Tentative title: {title of the contribution} Classification: {number, according to the list below} Do you plan to submit your contribution for publication in the planed - fully refereed, edited book: Yes/No - special issue of an international journal: Yes/No ************************************************************** 1) Aggregated models of economic behavior 2) Disaggregated models of economic behavior and artificial societies 3) Mastering complex problems in economics, finance, and management. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Contributed by "The Organizers" Oct 13 Fourth Spanish Meeting on Game Theory and Applications Game Practice II and Eight Summer Meeting 19-21 July, 2000 Valencia, Spain First Announcement The number of Spanish game theorists has increased considerably in recent years. In 1994 it was decided to hold a Spanish Meeting on Game Theory every two years. The meetings in Bilbao (1994), Santiago de Compostela (1996) and Barcelona (1998), were a great success, with more than 100 presentations in each of them. This shows the good health of the many Spanish research groups in Game Theory and their growing international links. The next Spanish Meeting will take place in Valencia in July 2000, the week before the First Conference of the International Game Theory Society in Bilbao. The Spanish Meeting is open to participants from all countries. Its areas of interest cover all aspects of Game Theory and its applications. The language of the Meeting is English, although there will be some sessions in Spanish for those unwilling to present their contribution in English. Game Practice II. During the Fourth Spanish Meeting on Game Theory, the second edition of Game Practice will take place. Game Practice is a series of workshops devoted to applied game theory organized by Fioravante Patrone, Stef Tijs and Ignacio García-Jurado. The first edition was in Genova in 1998, and the second and third will be held in Valencia (2000) and Tilburg (2002), respectively. Eighth Summer Meeting. The Summer Meetings are annual international workshops on different topics of Game Theory and Applications which have been held in Valencia, jointly organized with Stony Brook, during the last seven years. This year the Summer Meeting will coincide with the Fourth Spanish Meeting on Game Theory. In the next months you will receive a ore detailed second announcement of the conferences. For any additionalinformation, please send an e-mail to Also, you can visit us at the web site Organizers: Amparo Urbano, Gonzalo Olcina, Yair Tauman and Carles Rafels. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Contributed by Leon A. Petrosjan Oct 18 >From the ISDG (Rus.branch) E-Letter,, issue No. 11, Sept 29, 1999.: FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT and CALL FOR PAPERS. International Federation of Automatic Control WORKSHOP Control Applications of Optimization (CAO'2000) July 3-6, 2000 St. Petersburg, Russia SPONSOR: IFAC TC on Optimal Control CO-SPONSOR: IFAC TC on Control Design SCOPE It is the 11th IFAC workshop of the Control Applications of Optimization series. It will explore current mathematical and engineering problems. The range of topics to be discussed includes (but not restricted to): Optimal control Control Processes and Stability Optimal Damping and Oscillation Games and Stochastic Control Estimation and Identification Numerical Methods Control Applications Robust Control Nonlinear Systems ORGANIZING COMMITTEE: D. Ovsyannikov (chair), E. Veremey (co-chair), V. Zakharov (editor), A. Zhabko, A. Aleksandrov (coordinator), S. Sumachev (secretary) INTERNATIONAL PROGRAM COMMITTEE: chair V. Zubov (Russia), co-chair V. Kharitonov (Mexico), H. Adely (USA), J. Ackermann (Germany), M. Berz (USA), V. Dem'yanov (Russia), P. Fleming (UK, TC on Optimal Control), A. Fradkov (Russia), F. Giannessi (Italy), D. Hinrichsen (Germany), F. Kirillova (Belarus, TC on Optimal Control), A. Kleimenov (Russia, TC on Optimal Control), N. Krasovskii (Russia), A. Kurzhanskii (Russia), G. Leitmann (USA), M. Malabre (France), D. Ovsyannikov (Russia), D. Pallaschke (Germany), L. Petrosyan (Russia), K. Schlacher (Austria, TC on Control Design), J. Shinar (Israel), T. Tanaka (Japan), R. Tempo (Italy), D. Wing Kay Yeung (HK), O. Vasiliev (Russia), S. Vasiliev (Russia), A. Vicino (Italy), V. Zakharov (Russia) CALL FOR PAPERS The abstracts should be received by the e-mail before 1.01.2000. Please provide one or two keywords to indicate the area of the paper. Give the full name, affiliation, full address, telephone and fax numbers, and email address of the corresponding author. Notification of acceptance and author instructions will be mailed before 15.02.2000. The final manuscripts are due by 15.04.2000. The registration fee from at least one of the authors is to be received before 1.05.2000. Later submission of the manuscripts or registration fee might result in the paper being excluded from the Book of Preprints and the Proceedings. DEADLINES AND IMPORTANT DATES Jan 1, 2000 Submission of abstracts Feb 15, 2000 Notification of acceptance February Second Announcement Apr 15, 2000 Final Manuscripts May 1, 2000 Registrations fee July 3-6, 2000 Workshop LOCATION The Workshop will be held in the main building of the Saint Petersburg State University located at the historical centre of the city. REGISTRATION FEE The registration fee for the workshop will be USD 200 before 1.05.2000 and USD 280 after 1.05.2000. COPYRIGHT The materials submitted for presentation at an IFAC meeting (congress, symposium, conference, workshop) must be original, not published or being considered elsewhere. All papers accepted for presentation will appear in the Preprints of the meeting and will be distributed to the participants. Papers duly presented will be archived and offered for sale, in the form of Proceedings, by Elsevier Science Ltd., Oxford, UK. The presented papers will be further screened for possible publication in the IFAC journals Automatica and Control Engineering Practice, or in an IFAC affiliated journal. A record of all presented papers will also appear in Control Engineering Practice. Copyright of materials presented at an IFAC meeting is held by IFAC. Authors will be sent a copyright transfer form. Automatica, Control Engineering Practice and, after these, IFAC affiliated journals have priority access to all contributions presented. However, if the author is not contacted by an editor of these journals, within three months after the meeting, the author is free to re-submit the material for publication elsewhere. In this case, the paper must carry a reference to the IFAC meeting where it was originally presented. MAILING ADDRESS CAO 2000 Organizing Committee St. Petersburg State University Fac. of Applied Mathematics and Control Processes Bibliotechnaja pl. 2 Petrodvorets 198904 St. Petersburg Russia Tel: 7 (812) 428-4237 Fax: 7 (812) 428-7189 Email: WWW: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx End of ISDG E-LETTER issue No. 37, Oct 26, 1999