xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF DYNAMIC GAMES E-LETTER, issue No. 33, April 9, 1999 Edited by Raimo P. Hamalainen and Harri Ehtamo Systems Analysis Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology ISDG@HUT.FI xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Dear Dynamic Game Theorist, This is the thirtythird issue of the Society's electronic newsletter. The basic minimum work principle in editing this e-letter is that the READERS send important notes and information about symposia, conferences and workshops of dynamic games, as well as abstracts of Ph.D. theses, papers and books, which they want to be included in the newsletter. The format is described below. We hope that no retyping will be needed so please follow the instructions and sample shown below carefully. The news should be concise to keep the newsletter readable. Requests for more complete information about any news item should be directed to its contributor. We appreciate any comments and suggestions that you may have on this e-letter. Looking forward to receiving your news contributions. Raimo P. Hamalainen and Harri Ehtamo P.S.: We ENCOURAGE you now to submit any news items you may have suitable to the electronic Newsletter. So, please send us if you have any! We are ready to deliver it promptly. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Contributed by the Editors Apr 9 MODEL FOR NEWS SUBMISSIONS Maximum line length is 72 characters. Place the text between two lines of x:ses. The first line should state "Contributed by" and followed by the contributor's name, in brackets and the date. Then there should be a title line and the text. This info block should be sent to ISDG at HUT.FI xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Contributed by Tuomas Raivio Apr 9 ISDG in the Web The ISDG home page is located at The pages contain a short description of the society, a list of members, and copies of past ISDG News. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Contributed by Richard F. Hartl Apr 7 ************************************************************** ***** First Announcement and Call for Papers ***** ************************************************************** ***** Seventh Viennese Workshop on Optimal Control, ***** ***** Dynamic Games and Nonlinear Dynamics: ***** ***** Theory and Applications in Economics and OR/MS ***** ***** Vienna , May 24-26, 2000 ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ************************************************************** INTERNATIONAL PROGRAM COMMITTEE: Herbert Dawid, University of Southern California, Los Angeles Gustav Feichtinger, Vienna University of Technology Richard F. Hartl, University of Vienna Cars Hommes, University of Amsterdam Peter M. Kort, Tilburg University Gerhard Sorger, Queen Mary and Westfield College, University of London Franz Wirl, Otto v. Guericke University, Magdeburg ************************************************************** ORGANIZING COMMITTEE: Gustav Feichtinger, Vienna University of Technology Richard F. Hartl, University of Vienna ************************************************************** After six successful workshops on various similar topics we will celebrate the new millenium by organizing the Seventh Viennese workshop on Optimal Control, Dynamic Games and Nonlinear Dynamics. The aim is to bring together researchers interested in the application of nonlinear methods in economics, operations research and management science. Topics of interest are optimal control theory, dynamic programming, differential games, evolutionary games, learning, economic modeling, chaos theory, complex systems and related fields. Theoretical contributions to one of these fields which are relevant to problems from economics or OR/MS are especially welcome but also applied modeling will be covered. A registration fee of EURO 150.- (approx. US$ 165.-) will be charged. Payment by major credit cards will be possible. In addition to the scientific program an interesting social program will be organized [to be announced later]. Accompanying persons can participate in the official social program at a rate of approximately EURO 40.- (approx. US$ 45.-). The exact amount will be announced when the social program has been fixed. Participants who wish to present a paper will be asked to provide an extended abstract of 20 to 40 lines later. All abstracts will be refereed and accepted for presentation solely on the basis of their merit for the workshop. ************************************************************** DEADLINES: Return the form below by: May 15, 1999 Abstract submission: August 31, 1999 Author notification: October 31, 1999 You do not need to send a full paper before the workshop. However, if you want to distribute your paper among the participants, please take an appropriate number of copies with you. This time we are not planning to edit a proceedings volume. The attendance will be limited, so please reply a.s.a.p. ************************************************************** If you wish to participate in the Workshop please send an email (plain text format, no html) to with the following body: ************************************************************** Name: {name} Dr./Prof./? { } Affiliation: {institution and department} Address: {complete address} Phone: {phone number including country code} Fax: {fax number including country code } Email: {email address} Presentation of a paper: Yes/No Tentative title: {title of the contribution} Classification: {number, according to the list below} ************************************************************** Please help us with the organization of appropriate sections by providing a classification of your talk according to the following scheme: 1 Deterministic optimal control 2 Stochastic optimal control 3 Dynamic games 4 Nonlinear dynamical systems 5 Agent based computational economics 6 Expectations and learning ************************************************************** If you have NO access to electronic mail please contact Prof. Richard F. Hartl Chair of Production and Operations Management University of Vienna / BWZ Brünnerstr. 72 A-1210 Wien Fax. +43 - 1 - 29128 - 504 by surface mail or fax. However, to facilitate fast and efficient communication, answers by email are preferred. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions concerning the workshop. Please contact us via email at the address if possible. We will provide further information about the workshop, on the social program, hotel reservation etc. on the web-page as soon as available. For the moment, if you need information about Vienna, please look at: We are planning to make the E-Mail addresses and the Snail-Mail addresses of all the participants available on the WWW. In case you do not agree with this, please let us know. ************************************************************** See you in Vienna! Prof. Richard F. Hartl UNiversity of Vienna BWZ / Produktion und Logistik E-Mail: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Contributed by Pierpaolo Soravia Apr 8 Postdoc Fellowships in Padua The Department of Pure and Applied Mathematics, University of Padova (Italy), and the local Team of the European Community TMR Research Network "Viscosity solutions and their applications" expects to offer up to three (3) one-semester post-doctoral positions for the academic year 1999/2000. Ph.D. students with a research curriculum of at least two years are also welcome to apply. Shorter appointments (at least one month) will also be considered. These positions are renewable for up to a two semester period (one academic year). Young candidates whose research falls into the area of nonlinear partial differential equations, control theory and differential games are encouraged to apply. Priority will be given to applicants with some previous competence in the branch of mathematics specified by the EU TMR Research Network, see In observance of the conditions of the above contract, candidates must be citizens of any country of the European Union (except Italy) or of a State associated with the TMR Program (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Israel) and must not be over 35 years of age at the time the appointment will start (an allowance to this age limit may be made for military service and child-care). The fellowship has a monthly allowance, before taxes, of approximately 2500 Euros and will be financed by the EU contract number FMRX-CT98-0234 (DG 12 -BDCN) "Viscosity solutions and their applications". The actual payment of the fellowship does not represent in any way an employment contract with either the University of Padova or the Organization paying the fellowship. The fellowship is subject to all the withholding taxes of italian law and/or to the tax agreements between Italy and the candidate's home coutry. Arrangements for medical insurance are at the discretion and expense of the fellowship holder. The Mathematics Department of the University of Padova is committed to extending accident insurance to the fellowship holder, with the corrisponding expenses deducted from the above mentioned contract. Applicants must submit a curriculum vitae with a list of publications, a statement of current research interests, a research proposal, and two letters of recommendation. The selection process will start after July 1st, 1999. Late applications may also be considered if funding is still available, or considered for the next academic year. Applications should be sent to: Pierpaolo Soravia TMR Postdoc Program - Viscosity Solutions Department of Pure and Applied Mathematics via Belzoni 7 35131 Padova (Italy) email: phone: (49)-827-5996 fax: (49)-875-8596 www: The local TMR team at the Department of Pure and Applied Mathematics in Padova includes M. Bardi, F. Cardin, F. Rampazzo, P. Soravia, M. Motta, C. Sartori. The main research topics are: general theory of viscosity solutions for first and second order partial differential equations, deterministic and stochastic optimal control theory, differential games. The Department has almost 100 members among which there are experts in many related fields such as stochastic systems, mathematical finance, differential inclusions. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx End of ISDG E-LETTER issue No. 33, April 9, 1999