xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF DYNAMIC GAMES E-LETTER, issue No. 29, 23 December 1997 Edited by Raimo P. Hamalainen and Harri Ehtamo Systems Analysis Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology ISDG@HUT.FI xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Dear Dynamic Game Theorist, This is the twentyninth issue of the Society's electronic newsletter. The basic minimum work principle in editing this e-letter is that the READERS send important notes and information about symposia, conferences and workshops of dynamic games, as well as abstracts of Ph.D. theses, papers and books, which they want to be included in the newsletter. The format is described below. We hope that no retyping will be needed so please follow the instructions and sample shown below carefully. The news should be concise to keep the newsletter readable. Requests for more complete information about any news item should be directed to its contributor. We appreciate any comments and suggestions that you may have on this e-letter. Looking forward to receiving your news contributions. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Raimo P. Hamalainen and Harri Ehtamo xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Contributed by the Editors Dec 23 MODEL FOR NEWS SUBMISSIONS Maximum line length is 72 characters. Place the text between two lines of x:ses. The first line should state "Contributed by" and followed by the contributor's name, in brackets and the date. Then there should be a title line and the text. This info block should be sent to ISDG at HUT.FI xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Contributed by Tuomas Raivio Dec 23 ISDG in the Web The ISDG home page is located at Currently the pages contain a short description of the society, a list of members, and copies of past ISDG News. >From now on, the pages are administrated by Tuomas Raivio. The pages will be revised soon; if you have any ideas concerning the pages, please send e-mail to xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Contributed by Odile Pourtallier Dec 23 JANUARY 2, 1998!!! DEADLINE for the submission of ABSTRACTS and invited sessions 8th International Symposium on Dynamic Games and Applications July 5-8, 1998 Chateau Vaalsbroek, Maastricht, the Netherlands Sponsored by IEEE-CSS, IFAC, INRIA, ISDG and Maastricht University _______ PROGRAM _______ The eighth International Symposium on Dynamic Games and Applications, a three day conference, will be held for the first time in the Netherlands, July 6--8, 1998. Participants will have an opportunity to hear state-of-the-art presentations on a wide range of game-theoretic models, both theory and applications. The conference will be preceded by a one-day tutorial on July 5, 1998. Conference ---------- The three day technical program will consist of plenary sessions, invited sessions, and presentations of contributed papers. The topics include, but are not limited to the following: - H-infinity control and - Search, encounter and inspection games robust controller designs - Networking games in telecommunications - Repeated games and transportation - Stochastic games - Dynamic games in economics - Learning and adaptive - Dynamic games in management games - Environment, energy and resource - Evolutionary games management - Cooperative equilibria - Games in finance and marketing - Dynamic bargaining - Numerical methods and computer - Pursuit-evasion games implementation of game models Plenary lectures ---------------- Plenary lectures will cover different areas of dynamic games. They will focus on the state of the art of several areas of dynamic games, and will be delivered by - Professor R. AUMANN from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (IL) - Professor A. LAZAR from Columbia University (US) - Professor M. MASCHLER from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (IL) Tutorial -------- The topic of the tutorial is LEARNING IN GAMES. It will be delivered by Professor E. LEHRER from Tel-Aviv University (IL) and Professor R. VOHRA from Ohio State University (US). Program Committee ----------------- Chair-persons: E. Altman (FR), O. Pourtallier (FR). T. Basar (US), P. Bernhard (FR), M. Breton (CA), A. De Palma (FR), M. Falcone (IT), J. Filar (AU), S. Gal (IL), R.Hamalainen (FI), A. Haurie (SW), A. Lazar (US), A. Melikyan (RU), K. Mizukami (JP), M. Petit (IT), L. Petrosian (RU), J. Shinar (IL), D. Schmeidler (IL). Publications ------------ All accepted papers will be included in a volume of preprints to be made available to registered participants at the beginning of the conference. Authors will also have the opportunity to submit their papers for publication in a refereed special volume of the ANNALS OF THE ISDG (Birkhauser, publisher). ___________ SUBMISSIONS ___________ Submissions should preferably be made by E-mail by sending a latex file to Another possibility is to send hard copies (in which cese four copies would be needed) to: Ephie Deriche ISDG Conf. Submission INRIA, BP 93 06902 Sophia Antipolis Cedex FRANCE Papers ------ Each paper submission should contain - the title of the paper - the authos' names with a clear indication of the corresponding author - the authors' affiliations (with URL address if any), mailing addresses and fax numbers, e-mail addresses, home page addresses (if any) - a list of keywords and a detailed extended summary supported by relevant references Invited Sessions ---------------- The Program Committee is soliciting proposals for invited sessions. Cohesive sessions focusing on new or emerging topics are particularly encouraged. Proposals for invited sessions should contain - the name(s) of the session organizer(s) and for all of them the above personal details - a clear statement of the topic of the session - for each paper of the invited sessions, the same informations needed as for paper submission above Note that the initial paper may be a tutorial or survey which can be alotted twice the usual time for presentation _________ DEADLINES _________ The schedule for submission of papers and invited sessions is January 2, 1998: Submission of extended abstracts and invited sessions March 1, 1998: Notification of acceptance May 1, 1998: Full paper ___________________ GENERAL INFORMATION ___________________ For general information such as registration fees and accommodation see: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Contributed by J. Morgan Sep 21 LIST OF OUR RECENT PAPERS RELATED TO GAME THEORY PUBLISHED: - M. Delfour and J. Morgan, "On one-sided derivative of Minmax and saddle-points with respect to a parameter" Optimization, vol. 31, 1994 - L. Mallozzi and J. Morgan, "On Weak Stackelberg Problem and Mixed Solutions under Data Perturbations", Optimization, vol. 32, 1995 - M. B. Lignola and J. Morgan, "Topological Existence and Stability for Stackelberg Problems", J. Opt. Theory and Appl., vol. 84, 1995 - J. Morgan, "Directional derivability of constrained parametrized minmax problems via Gamma-derivatives", Atti del seminario Matematico e Fisico dell'Universita di Modena, vol. XVIII, 1995 - R. Raucci, "Approccio di tipo Minmax per la determinazione del prezzo psicologico in caso di incertezza", Rivista A.M.A.S.E.S., anno XVIII, 1995 - L. Mallozzi and J. Morgan, "Hierarchical systems with wieghted reaction set", Non linear Optimization and Application, eds. Di Pillo and Giannessi, Plenum Press 1996 - P. Loridan and J. Morgan, "Weak via strong Stackelberg problems", J. of Global Optimization, vol. 8, 1996 - M. B. Lignola and J. Morgan, "Stability for regularized bilevel programming problem", J. Opt. Theory and Appl., vol. 93, 1997 SUBMITTED: - R. Raucci, "Problemi gerarchici di punti di Nash: esistenza e approssimazione nel caso di unicita al livello inferiore", Preprint 6, Dip. Mat. e Appl. Univ. Napoli, 1996 - J. Morgan and R. Raucci, " New convergence results for Nash equilibria", Preprint 33, Dip. Mat. e Appl. Univ. Napoli, 1996 - R. Raucci, J. Morgan, " Approximate solutions for strong hierarchical saddle points problems", to appear on Atti del seminario Matematico e Fisico dell'Universita di Modena - L. Mallozzi and J. Morgan, "Existence of feedback equilibrium for two-stage Stackelberg games, to appear on IEEE Transaction on Aut. Control - M. B. Lignola and J. Morgan, " Convergence of solutions of quasi-variational inequalities and applications", to appear on Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis 1997 - M. B. Lignola and J. Morgan, " Existence of solutions to generalized bilevel programming problem", to appear on Multilevel Programming algorithms and Applications, eds. Migdalas, Pardalos and Varbrand, Kluwer Academic Press, 1997 - R. Raucci, J. Morgan,"Continuity properties of epsilon-solutions for Generalized Parametric saddle point problems and Application to hierarchical games", to appear on J. of Mathematical Analalysis and Applications, 1997 - M. B. Lignola, "Existence of Nash equilibria and saddle points in infinite-dimensional spaces", to appear on Optimization - M. B. Lignola, "Ky Fan Inequalities and Nash equilibrium points with lack of semicontinuity and compactness", to appear on JOTA, July 97 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Contributed by Gennady Alferov Sep.26 Ph.D dissertations at St. Petersburg State University. Two Ph.D dissertations were made on Game Theory at the Faculty of Applied Mathematics. _________________________ Author: T. Survillo Title: Game-theoretic models of negotiation. Supervisor: N. Zenkevich Traditional game theory describes a negotiation by means of arbitrage scheme for normal form games. Further development of this direction is connected also with works of Prof.S.Brams [Brams, 1984; 1988; 1994], and others. This approach is concentrating on modeling of negotiation as a dynamic process and final agreement is considered as a final position of this process. Dynamic process occurs according fixed system of negotiation rules or a negotiation procedure. At this work we discuss another formalization of this idea which allows to analyze n-person games with arbitrary strategy sets. Let us consider a conflict between several participants which they are solving by negotiation and are establishing an agreement as a result of this negotiation. Suppose that every participant has some set of possible propositions (strategies) about it's behavior under discussed agreement. Then, a final agreement is a composition of all participants' offers. Construct a formal as a non zero-sum game G= [I, {Xi}, {Ri}], where I - set of participants (agents), Xi - strategy set of agent i, X - set of possible agreements (profiles in game G) and Ri: - strict preference ordering of profiles for agent i. Assume that every agent is capable to choose its worst profile xi: Ri(xi)>Ri(xi), and the best: xi: Ri(xi)>Ri(xi) for all xi. Negotiation process is described as follows. Agents are declaring sequentially their offers (strategies). Choosing strategies by all agents defines an agreement which can be fixed. Switch of agent's current strategy (offer) to a new strategy is its strategic move in the party of game. Moving process is defined by corresponding rules of a negotiation scheme. Negotiation scheme B is a correspondence which for a given game G and profile x0 is setting the only strategic profile. The correspondence is defined by a system of rules. At this work finite games and games with compact profile sets are considered and three alternative negotiation schemes for such games are constructed. Theorems about negotiation result establishing were proved. _____________________________ Author: S. Voznyuk Title: A stable solutions of game-theoretic models of auctions. Supervizor: N. Zenkevich The work is devoted to construction of stable solutions for the game-theoretic models of auctions. A sealed-bid multy-object auctions are modelled as n-person non-zero sum games. Unique mixed Nash equilibrium for two-person (bimatrix and infinite)games has been obtained in certain classes of mixed strategies. Incomplete information (Bayesian) games of the auctions are considered. Properties of two-players Bayesian game with infinite number of types are investigated. A unique Bayesian equilibrium has been found for the game with finite number of player types. A model of dynamic auction is proposed. A subgame-perfect equilibrium for the dynamic auction model is constructed. ___________________________ Gennady V.Alferov Associate Professor Leader of the Robototechnic Laboratory St.-Petersburg State University Faculty of Applied Mathematics xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Contributed by Michael Breitner Nov 26 Opportunity at Technical University Clausthal (Germany) For our project "Real-time optimal control of large systems" We have an open position for a candidate with background in mathematics or computer science (Master/Diploma required). The successful candidate will design and implement algorithms for the real-time optimal control of chemical reactions (large industrial models). She / he is expected to have good programming skills, interest in optimal control theory and differential games, background in numerical algorithms and willingness to cooperate with other members of our research group. Knowledge in neural networks, neuro-computing and / or chemical engineering would be a plus. The position is intended for work towards a PhD in an area relevant to the project (mathematics or computer science). The salary is according to Bat II/2, approximately 25000 DM per year plus benefits. The project starts on January 1 or February 1, 1998, for two years (appointment renewable dependent on funding). Applications with curriculum vitae, photograph and a copy of the master's / diploma thesis should be sent to the address Prof. Dr. H. J. Pesch / Dr. M. H. Breitner Keyword: Real-time optimal control of large systems Institut fuer Mathematik Technische Universitaet Clausthal Erzstrasse 1 D-38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld Germany Email: / WWW: For further information contact: Dr. Michael H. Breitner Institut fuer Mathematik der Technischen Universitaet Clausthal Erzstrasse 1, D-38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Germany Phone: Germany + 5323-722959 Fax: Germany + 5323-722304 Email: WWW: DFG - Schwerpunktprogramm "Echtzeit-Optimierung grosser Systeme" BMBF-Mathematikprogramm "Mathematische Verfahren zur Loesung von Problemstellungen in Industrie und Wirtschaft" xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Contributed by Gennady.Alferov Dec 20 A Local Chapter of ISDG in Russia Following the recomendations of ISDG and some discussions with Executive Committee Members we decided to form a local chapter of ISDG in Russia, called ISDG_RUS. The ISDG_RUS containes all Rusian members of ISDG and in addition other Russian scientists who have at least a paper published on dynamic games. The information about ISDG_RUS is included in this letter. Leon Petrosjan ******************************************************* * St.Petersburg State University * * Peterhof, St.Petersburg, * * 198904, Russia * ******************************************************* * E-Mail: * * WWW-server: * * FTP-server: ftp:// * * Tel.428-7159 * * Fax: +7 (812) 428-6649 * ******************************************************* ***** Local Executive Committee of ISDG_Rus 1. Petrosjan Leon A. (President) 2. Alferov Gennady (Secretary) 3. Kleimenov Anatolii 4. Krasovskii Nikolaj 5. Kryazhimskii Arkadii 6. Mazalov Vladimir 7. Melikjan Arik 8. Zakharov Victor 9. Zhukovskii Vladislav ***** Members of Russian local chapter of ISDG 1. Al`brecht Ernst 2. Alferov Gennady 3. Bardin Alexander 4. Blagodatskix Victor 4. Boure Vladimir 5. Bratchikov Igor 6. Chentsov Alexander 7. Chistjakov Sergey 8. Domansky Victor 9. Diubin Gennady 10 Eguiazarova Elina 11. Fokin Igor 12. Fomin Fyodor V. 13. Garnaev Andrej 14. Gorelik Victor 15. Grigorenko Nikolaj 16. Ishchanova Marina 17. Kleimenov Anatolii 18. Krasovskii Andrew 19. Krasovskii Nikolaj 20. Kreps Victoria> 21. Kukushkin Nikolai> 22. Kovshov Aleksander 23. Kultina Maria 24. Kuzutin Dennis 25. Legnina Elena 26. Liapounov Andrew 27. Lutmanov Sergej 28. Lutsenko Michael 29. Malafeyev Oleg 30. Marchenko Irina 31. Matveev Vladimir 32. Mazalov Vladimir 33. Melikjan Arik 34. Miheev Sergei 35. Mokhonko Elena 36. Molostvov Vitalii 37. Moukhine Valeriy 38. Naumova Natalia 39. Nikitina Olga 40. Nikol`skix Mihail , 41. Patsko Valerii 42. Pechersky Sergey 43. Petrenko Natalia 44. Petrosjan Leon 45. Petrov Nikolay N. 46. Petrov Nikolay 47. Rozen Victor 48. Savishenko Natalia 49. Shevchenko Igor 50. Slobozanin Nikolay 51. Subbotina Nina 52. Survillo Tatiana 53. Tarashnina Svetlana 54. Taras`ev Alexander 55. Tcherniavskii Igor 56. Tret`yakov Vladimir 57. Turetsky Vladimir 58. Ushakov Vladimir 59. Vaisman Konstantin 60. Vasetcsov Matvei 61. Vishnjakova Ekaterina 62. Voznyuk Sergei zenk@robot. 63. Yanovskaya Elena 64. Zakharov Victor 65. Zenkevich Nikolay 66. Zhitomirskii Gary 67. Zhukovskii Vladislav xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx End of ISDG E-LETTER issue No. 29, 23 December 1997