xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF DYNAMIC GAMES E-LETTER, issue No. 25, 28 January 1997 Edited by Raimo P. Hamalainen and Harri Ehtamo Systems Analysis Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology ISDG@HUT.FI xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Dear Dynamic Game Theorist, This is the twentyfifth issue of the Society's electronic newsletter. The basic minimum work principle in editing this e-letter is that the READERS send important notes and information about symposia, conferences and workshops of dynamic games, as well as abstracts of Ph.D. theses, papers and books, which they want to be included in the newsletter. The format is described below. We hope that no retyping will be needed so please follow the instructions and sample shown below carefully. The news should be concise to keep the newsletter readable. Requests for more complete information about any news item should be directed to its contributor. We appreciate any comments and suggestions that you may have on this e-letter. Looking forward to receiving your news contributions. Raimo P. Hamalainen and Harri Ehtamo xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Contributed by the Editors Jan 28 MODEL FOR NEWS SUBMISSIONS Maximum line length is 72 characters. Place the text between two lines of x:ses. The first line should state "Contributed by" and followed by the contributor's name, in brackets and the date. Then there should be a title line and the text. This info block should be sent to ISDG at HUT.FI xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Contributed by Tuomas Raivio Jan 28 ISDG in the Web The ISDG home page is located at Currently the pages contain a short description of the society, a list of members, and copies of past ISDG News. From now on, the pages are administrated by Tuomas Raivio. The pages will be revised soon; if you have any ideas concerning the pages, please send e-mail to xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Contributed by Jerzy A. Filar Jan 23 7th ISDG - SUMMARY On behalf of the International Program Committee I am pleased to report the success of the 7th International Symposium on Dynamic Games and Applications which was held in December 16-18, at Shonan Village Center in Kanagawa, Japan. The Symposium was attended by 93 participants from 21 countries spanning 4 continents. There was consensus among the participants that both the presentations and the papers included in the Proceedings were of very high quality indeed. Four excellent plenary lectures were given by Professors De Palma, Haurie, Parthasarathy and Vrieze. The SICE awards were won by two young scholars: Ms. W. Lim, from Singapore, for a paper titled "A Rendezvous-Evasion Game on Discrete Locations with Joint Randomization" and Ms. N. Hovakimyan, from Armenia, for a paper titled "Differential Games with Simple Motion on a Rotation Surface" . As we all know modern Game Theory has evolved enormously since its inception in the 1940's, and - in the process - it has branched out in many directions spanning such diverse disciplines as mathematics, economics, electrical and electronics engineering, operations reseach, computer science, theoretical ecology, environmental science, and even political science. The papers presented at this 7th International Symposium on Dynamic Games and Applications certainly reflected both the maturity and the vitality of modern day Game Theory in general, and of Dynamic Games, in particular. The maturity could be seen from the sophistication of the theorems, proofs, methods and numerical algorithms contained in the papers presented. The vitality was manifested by the range of new ideas, new applications, the growing number of young researchers and the expanding world wide coverage of research centres and institutes from whence the contributions originated. The following list of session titles bears testimony to the depth and diversity of stimulating research topics covered during the meeting: - Game Theoretic Methods in Robust Control (2 sessions) - Pursuit Evasion Games (2 sessions) - Games in Economics and Finance (2 sessions) - Differential Games (2 sessions) - Games Under Uncertainty (1 session) - H-infinity and Robust Control Design (3 sessions) - Dynamic and Repeated Games (2 sessions) - Application of Games in Guidance (2 sessions) - Dynamic Games in Economics (1 session) - Stochastic Games (2 sessions) - Asymptotic Methods in Games (1 session) - Dynamic Games with Several Players (1 session) - Computation and Related Issues (1 session) - Games and Applications (4 sessions) - Games and Related Problems (1 session) Since there were so many excellent presentations, covering so many diverse topics, it is hard to select a few papers or topics as the highlights of the Symposium. However, it is, perhaps, possible to claim that the theme of the symposium was the remarkable (and happy) blend between deep ideas and theory on the one hand, and the applications and numerical methods on the other hand. Whereas in some other subjects the division between the theory and applications causes a schism among the practitioners of these two aspects within the field, in Dynamic Games in 1996 the theory and the applications reinforce each other in a most fruitful way and this synergy was strongly evident at the Symposium. I would like to conclude this summary by expressing my thanks and appreciation to many people who have worked so hard to make the symposium such a success. In particular, I am indebted to all the members of the IPC and LOC, but in particular to Professors Mizukami, Imado and Haurie, Drs Gaitsgory and Peng Shi and especially to Mrs Angela McKay. Last, but not least, the contribution of a number of students from the National Defense Academy (NDA) must be acknowledged. These young men and women provided excellent and courteous assistance to participants from all over the world and ensured the smooth operation of many activities. ANNALS ANNOUNCEMENT: The participants of the Symposium - and all other researchers in Dynamic Games - are hereby invited to submit papers to the next volume of Annals of Dynamic Games to be published by Birkhauser. This series has a well established reputation both for the high quality of papers that were accepted in the past and for its efficient review process. This reputation will be maintained in the next volume with the help of the panel of internationally recognised experts who comprised the International Program Committee of the 7th ISDG and who will, automatically, form the editorial board of the next issue. Four (hard) copies of the papers should be submitted - by March 10, 1997 - to: Jerzy A. Filar Professor of Mathematics and Statistics Director, Centre for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (CIAM) School of Mathematics University of South Australia The Levels, SA 5095 Australia Phone: 61-(0)8-302 3530 _--_|\ Fax: 61-(0)8-302 5785 / \ Email: \_.--._/ <> CIAM's WWW address: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Contributed by Alain Haurie Jan 7 MINUTES OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY On Tuesday December 17, at 5:10 pm a General Assembly of the ISDG was held, in Shonan Village Center at the occasion of the 7th ISDG Symposium. The agenda of the assembly was the following: 1. Bylaws: The President of ISDG presented a set of proposed statutes for the Society. These proposed statutes had already been circulated in the Newsletter No. 24. The President gave a quick explanation of the different articles composing the statutes. The President proposed to run the Society according to these statutes for the coming two years with one important exception concerning the membership rules. For the moment we keep the "loosely defined" membership, according to which a person is considered a member ofISDG if he/she has requested to receive the electronic newsletter or has participated in one of the last four symposia organised by the ISDG (Helsinki, Grimentz, St. Jovite, Shonan Village). At the occasion of the next symposium (1998) there will be a further discussion of the bylaws and a possible change of the membership definition according to the proposed rule. After a short discussion, the President's proposal was adopted by acclamation. 2. Election of the members of the Executive Committee (EC) According to the proposed bylaws the EC is composed of 6 to 12 members. In order to bring new blood to the management of the Society without losing the experience accumulated by the founders, it was proposed to have a 12 member EC. The following slate was proposed: T. Basar (2 year mandate) P. Bernhard (2 year mandate) J. Filar (4 year mandate) R. Hamalainen (2 year mandate) A. Haurie (2 year mandate) A. Melikyan (4 year mandate) K. Mizukami (4 year mandate) J. Morgan (4 year mandate) G.J. Olsder (2 year mandate) J. Shinar (2 year mandate) K. Vrieze (4 year mandate) G. Zaccour (2 year mandate) Eitan Altman and Odile Pourtallier will be "invited members" during the preparation of the next symposium (see point-3 at the agenda). The GA approved this list again by acclamation. 3. Locations of future ISDG symposia It was decided to hold the next (8th) symposium in Holland in the Limburg area (Maastricht) at the end of June 1998. Koos Vrieze will be the chairman of the local organization committee (LOC), and Eitan Altman and Odile Pourtallier will co-chair the International Program Committee (IPC). It is planned to organize the 9th symposium (in the year 2000) in Australia, Adelaide region, in conjunction with the IEEE-CDC, as it was this current year. Jerzy Filar will be the LOC-chairman. It is envisioned to organize the 10th symposium (in 2002) in Russia, St-Petersbourg region. Leon Petrosjan and Viktor Zakharov will prepare a proposal for this site. 4. Activities of the ISDG The President outlined the different activities undertaken or planned by the Society: 4.1. Symposia: The 7-th ISDG has attracted 87 participants (including 13 students). The quality of the presentations has been very high. The Society will try to attract more participants from the areas of biology, economics and management science. 4.2. Workshop: It is proposed that one-day workshops be organized by local chapters of the Society, in particular during the Year when there is no symposium. This could provide the occasion for the yearly meeting of the EC that is recommended in the statutes. Such a workshop is planned for August 1997 (A. Haurie organizer) in conjunction with the Lausanne-International Symposium on Mathematical Programming. Another workshop is planned for the summer of 1999, in Italy (J. Morgan organizer). 4.3. Annals of the ISDG: T. Basar who is the Series editor indicates that 3 volumes have appeared , a volume is in preparation (numerical methods in dynamic and differential games) and a volume should appear in early 1998, based on the papers presented at the 7-th ISDG (J. Filar and V. Gaitsgory eds.). 4.4. Newsletter and Web pages: These will continue to be managed by The Systems Analysis Lab. at Helsinki University of Technology under the guidance of R. Hamalainen and H. Ehtamo. Members are strongly invited to communicate to the Newsletter editors all relevant information they would like to disseminate. 4.5. Electronic journal: The Society will explore the possibility to launch a new type of archival publication exploiting the new technologies of electronic information and communication. Contacts will be made with publishers and a format not entering in competition with the Annals will be recommended. 5. Election of the Society officers After the GA meeting the newly elected EC met and chose among its members Alain Haurie as President and Raimo Hamalainen as Secretary of the ISDG. These officers have been elected for two year terms. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx End of ISDG E-LETTER issue No. 25, 28 January 1997