xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF DYNAMIC GAMES E-LETTER, issue No. 11, 3 November 1993 Edited by Raimo P. Hamalainen and Harri Ehtamo Systems Analysis Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology ISDG@FINHUT.BITNET or ISDG@HUT.FI xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Dear Dynamic Game Theorist, This is the eleventh issue of the Society's electronic newsletter. The basic minimum work principle in editing this e-letter is that the READERS send important notes and information about symposia, conferences and workshops of dynamic games, as well as abstracts of Ph.D. theses, papers and books, which they want to be included in the newsletter. The format is described below. We hope that no retyping will be needed so please follow the instructions and sample shown below carefully. The news should be concise to keep the newsletter readable. Requests for more complete information about any news item should be directed to its contributor. We appreciate any comments and suggestions that you may have on this e-letter. Next issue is planned to be sent out in December. Looking forward to receiving your news contributions. Raimo P. Hamalainen and Harri Ehtamo P.S. The two e-mail addresses given above are in principle identical. Depending on your network one or both of them should work. If you are in a BITNET node you only need ISDG at FINHUT. In any case the safest and easiest way is to use the reply command in your e-mail system. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Contributed by the Editors November 3 MODEL FOR NEWS SUBMISSIONS Maximum line length is 72 characters. Place the text between two lines of x:ses. The first line should state "Contributed by" and followed by the contributor's name, in brackets and the date. Then there should be a title line and the text. This info block should be sent to ISDG at FINHUT. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Contributed by Michele Breton November 3 SECOND CALL FOR PAPERS SIXTH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON DYNAMIC GAMES AND APPLICATIONS July 13-15, 1994, St-Jovite, Quebec, CANADA Organizer : GERAD, Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales de Montreal Sponsor : The International Society of Dynamic Games (ISDG) Organization committee : Michele Breton, Georges Zaccour International Program Committee : G.J. Olsder (NL), chairman, M. Bardi (IT), T. Basar (USA), R.P. Hamalainen (SF), A. Haurie (CH), A.A. Melikyan (R), T.E.S. Raghavan (USA), J. Shinar (IL), T.L. Vincent (USA), A.J. de Zeeuw (NL). The Symposium is the sixth one in a series of meetings dedicated to the area of dynamic games and is the official biannual scientific meeting of the ISDG. The aim of the meeting is to bring together researchers from various disciplines where dynamic game settings are studied, and to report the latest developments both in theory and applications. Location : The conference will take place at Auberge Gray Rocks, St-Jovite, in the Laurentian mountains north of Montreal. Driving distance from Mirabel airport to Gray Rocks is less than one hour, and from Montreal approximatively 1h45. Transportation arrangements will be made for participants. Further information on registration and accomodation fees will be provided later. Topics : Zero-sum dynamic games Pursuit-evasion problems Nonzero-sum dynamic games Incentive strategies Cooperative equilibria Dynamic bargaining models Computational methods Dynamic games in economics Energy and resource management AI applications to dynamic games Environmental issues Applications in Management Science Evolutionary games in biology Worst case and minimax design Tutorials : A preconference day of tutorials on the subject of viscosity solutions is organized by Prof. M. Bardi (Universita degli studi di Padova, Italy); Prof. W. Flemming (Brown University, U.S.A.) will be the second speaker. It will be held on July 11, at Ecole des HEC, Montreal. Plenary Lectures : The following plenary speakers have already accepted to make presentations: Prof. S. Jorgensen (Odense University, Denmark), on management science applications of dynamic game theory Prof. P. Bernhard (INRIA, France) on the current status of the Isaacs-Breakwell approach Prof. E. Maskin (Harvard University, U.S.A.), on interface in dynamic games and economy Deadlines : January 15, 1994: Titles and three copies of extended abstracts (approximately 500 words) to be sent to: Prof. G.J. Olsder Delft University of Technology Faculty of Technical Mathematics P.O. Box 5031 2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands tel: +3115 781912 - fax: +3115 787209 March 1, 1994: Notification of acceptance of the paper May 15, 1994: Full paper, to be sent to: Prof. Michele Breton Ecole des H.E.C. 5255 Decelles, Montreal H3T 1V6 Canada tel: 1 514 340 6490 - fax: 1 514 340 5634 Publication : Papers accepted and received before the deadline will be available at the conference. Selected papers will be published in the Annals of Dynamic Games. For further information, please contact : Michele Breton at the address above xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Contributed by Jacek B. Krawczyk October 4 Position No: 351 September 1993 LECTURESHIPS IN ECONOMETRICS AND MATHEMATICAL ECONOMICS Applications are invited from suitably qualified men and women for the above posts in the Quantitative Studies Group of the Faculty of Commerce and Administration. The appointees will be expected to take up their duties as soon as possible after appointment and by 1 March 1994. The appointments will be for three years, but may be extended. Members of the group carry out teaching and research in the areas of econometrics, statistics, mathematical economics and dynamic modelling and control. Candidates could be specialists in any of these areas, or have primary disciplines is statistics, time series, mathematics or operations research, but work should primarily be in the application of these techniques to problems in commerce. The major research interests of staff in the group are econometric theory with an emphasis on time series, applied microeconometrics including labour markets and consumer behaviour, macroeconomic modelling, dynamic systems models and dynamic games. The Group is responsible for teaching service courses offered at two sites and also a small number of intermediate and graduate courses. There will be opportunities to teach across this range. Applicants will need to provide evidence of their teaching experience. The Faculty of Commerce and Administration comprises groups in Accountancy, Commercial Law, Economic History, Economics, Public Policy, Industrial Relations, Information Systems, Management, Marketing, Money and Finance and Quantitative Studies. If appropriate the appointees may have joint membership with one of these other groups. Further enquires can be made to Professor Fraser Jackson, Chairperson, Quantitative Studies Group, Faculty of Commerce and Administration, (tel. +64-04-471-5352, fax 04-471-2200 or E-mail: The salary scale for Lecturers is currently NZ$37440 - $49088 per annum. Applications should be sent to the Appointments Administrative, Personnel Office, Victoria University of Wellington, PO Box 600, Wellington, NEW ZEALAND, to arrive by the closing date of 30 November 1993. THE UNIVERSITY IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Contributed by Jacek B. Krawczyk October 11 VICTORIA UNIVERSITY OF WELLINGTON LECTURESHIP IN ECONOMICS Applications are invited for the above post to be taken up 1 January 1994. Applicants must be well qualified in the core areas of modern analytical microeconomics and/or macroeconomics. Preference may be given to candidates who have strengths in modern international economics. The appointee will have demonstrated potential for sustained research and will be expected to teach in advanced and undergraduate courses. The appointment will be for three years. Closing Date: 15 November 1993 TEMPORARY/VISITING LECTURESHIP IN ECONOMICS Applications are invited for the above post. Applicants must be well qualified in the core areas of modern analytical microeconomics and/or macroeconomics. The appointee will have shown potential for sustained research, will be expected to teach undergraduate courses and may have the opportunity to teach in advanced courses. The appointment is available until 30 September 1994. Closing Date: 29 October 1993 The Economics Group has close links with government departments, the Reserve Bank, the NZ Institute of Economic Research and the financial and business community located in the capital city. The salary scale for Lecturers is currently NZ$37440-NZ$49088 per annum. Conditions of appointment and method of application for the above posts are available from the Appointments Administrator, Victoria University of Wellington, P O Box 600, Wellington, New Zealand, (fax: +64 4 495 5238; email: THE UNIVERSITY IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Contributed by Victor Zakharov October 4 Forthcoming 1993! DIFFERENTIAL GAMES OF PURSUIT by Leon Petrosjan (St.Petersburg Univ.) The classical optimal control theory deals with the determination of an optimal control that optimizes the criterion subject to the dynamic constraint expressing the evolution of the system state under the influence of control variables. If this is extended to the case of multiple controllers (also called players) with different and sometimes conflicting optimization criteria (payoff functions) it is possible to begin to explore differential games. Zero-sum differential games, also called differential games of persuit, constitute the most developed part of differential games and are rigorously investigated. In this book, the full theory of differential games of pursuit with complete and partial information is developed. Numerous concrete pursuit-evasion games are solved ("life-line" game, simple pursuit games, etc.), and new time-consistent optimality principles in the n-person differential game theory are introduced and investigated. Readership: Postgraduates and researchers in applied methematics. 350pp Autumn 1993 981-02-0979-7 US$82 F 58 Please send orders to your regular book supplier or directly to your nearest World Scientific office: USA World Scientific Publishing Co. Inc. 1060 Main Street, River Edge NJ 07661, USA. Fax: 1-201-487-9656 UK World Scientific Publishing Co. 73, Lynton Mead, Totteridge, London, N20 8DH, UK/P O Box 379, London N127JS, UK. Fax: 44-81-4463356 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Contributed by the Editors November 3 Currently the E-LETTER is delivered to the following members: Alferov Gennadyi ALFEROV@ROBOT.APMATH.LGU.SPB.SU Altman Eitan ALTMAN@MARTINGALE.INRIA.FR Amman Hans M. AMMAN@HASARA5 Bardi Martino BARDI@PDMAT1.UNIPD.IT Basar Tamer TBASAR@MARKOV.CSL.UIUC.EDU Baston Vic VJDB@MATHS.SOTON.AC.UK Berkovitz Leonard D. BRKLD@GAUSS.MATH.PURDUE.EDU Bernhard Pierre BERNHARD@MIRSA.INRIA.FR Breitner Michael MICHAEL.BREITNER@MATHEMATIK.TU-MUENCHEN.DBP.DE Breton Michele P990@HECMTL01 Cesar Herman S.J. CESAR@IFIIUE.FI.CNR.IT Chistiakov Yuri E. EVSEEVA@SMS.CCAS.MSK.SU Deal Ralph M. DEAL@HEYL.KZOO.EDU Dickinson Bradley W. BRADLEY@PUCC Dolezal Jaroslav DOLEZAL@CSPGAS11 Eagleson Roy EAGLESON@UWOVAX.UWO.CA Ehtamo Harri EHTAMO@HUT.FI ElHodiri Mohamed ELHODIRI@UKANVM Engwerda Jacob ENGWERDA@KUB.NL Evseeva Svetlana EVSEEVA@SMS.CCAS.MSK.SU Falcone Maurizio FALCONE@SCI.UNIROMA1.IT Feichtinger Gustav E119RSK@AWITUW01 Fershtman Chaim ECO12@TAUNOS Filar Jerzy MAJAF@LEVELS.UNISA.EDU.AU Frankowska Helene FRANKOWS@NURI.INRIA.FR Getz Wayne GETZ@CAVEBEAR.BERKELEY.EDU Ghose Debasish GHOSE™AERO.IISC.ERNET.IN Ghosh Mrinal Kanti MARCUS@EMX.UTEXAS.EDU Gradus Raymond T351GRADUS@KUB.NL Grimm Werner GRIMM@IFR.LUFTFAHRT.UNI-STUTTGART.DE Grigorenko Nikolai N.L.GRIGORENKO@CS.MSU.SU Groot Fons T383GROO@KUB.NL Haider Christian HAIDER@GMDZI.UUCP Hartl Richard F. HARTL@E119WS1.TUWIEN.AC.AT Haurie Alain HAURIE@CGEUGE11 Houba Harold HOUBA@HTIKUB5 Hamalainen Raimo P. RAIMO@HUT.FI Jain Dipak DJAIN@NUACC Jorgensen Steffen STJ@DOU.DK Kaitala Veijo VKAITALA@SORVI.HUT.FI Karanta Ilkka IKARANTA@HILA.HUT.FI Klompstra Margriet B. KLOMPSTR@NLR.NL Kort Peter KORT@KUB.NL Kononenko Alexander F. KONON@SMS.CCAS.MSK.SU Kouzutin Denis V. VFKUZ@ROBOT.APMATH.LGU.SPB.SU Krawczyk Jacek JACEK.KRAWCZYK@VUW.AC.NZ Laporte Vincent VLAPORTE@ER3.ENSTA.FR Legut Jerzy LEGUT@PLWRTU11 Leitmann George GLEIT@HERA.BERKELEY.EDU Lewin Joseph JOSI11@TECHUNIX.TECHNION.AC.IL Loulou Richard MA73@MUSICA.MCGILL.CA Luh Peter LUH@FARSIDE.ESE.UCONN.EDU Malafeyev Oleg ALFEROV@ROBOT.APMATH.LGU.SPB.SU Mallozzi Lina MALLOZZI@VM.CISED.UNINA.IT Marcotte Patrice MARCOTTP@CMR001 Mignanego Fausto MIGF1@IGECUNIV.CISI.UNIGE.IT Mizukami Koichi MIZUKAMI@KATANA.MIS.HIROSHIMA-U.AC.JP Mokhonko Lena Z. MOHON@SMC.CCAS.MSK.SU Mollgaard Hans Peter MOLL@IFIIUE.FI.CNR.IT Morgan Jacqueline JAMORGAN@ICNUCEVM Nicolas Jean Marie NICOLAS@THOMSON-LCR.FR. Nowak Andrzej NOWAK@PLWRTU11 Nurmi Hannu HNURMI@KONTU.UTU.FI Olsder Geert Jan WITAOLS@DUTINFH.TUDELFT.NL Parks Robert P. BPARKS@WUECONA.WUSTL.EDU Pau L.F. PAU@HERON.ENET.DEC.COM Pesch Hans Josef PESCH@MATHEMATIK.TU-MUENCHEN.DE Petit Marilu PETIT@IRMIASI Petrosjan Leon A. LAPETR@ROBOT.APMATH.LGU.SPB.SU Piramuthu Selwyn SELWYN@UX1.CSO.UIUC.EDU Pourtallier Odile POURTALI@MERLIN.INRIA.FR Quincampoix Marc QUINCAMP@UNIV-TOURS.FR Radzik Tadeusz RADZIK@PLWRTU11 Raghavan T.E.S. U20833@UICVM.BITNET Rodin Ervin RODIN@RODIN.WUSTL.EDU Rustem Berc BR2@UK.AC.IC.DOC Ruusunen Jukka JUKKA.RUUSUNEN@HUT.FI Rasanen Mika MIKA.RASANEN@HUT.FI Sahiner Atilla SAHINER@TRERUN.BITNET Sain Michael K. SAIN@KRIZEVAC.ECE.ND.EDU Salo Ahti AHTI.SALO@HUT.FI Savard Gilles SAVARDG@CMR001 Schoenbauer Franz SCHOENBAUER@EIMONI.UNA.AC.AT Sennott Linn I. SENNOTT@MATH.ILSTU.EDU Shaked U. F21@TAUNIVM.BITNET Shakun Melvin MSHAKUN@RND.STERN.NYU.EDU Shimkin Nahum SHIMKIN@TX.TECHNION.AC.IL Shinar Josef SHINAR@PUCC.BITNET Shwartz Adam ADAM@RA.SRC.UMD.EDU Soismaa Margareta SOISMAA@HKKK.FI Sovala Markus SOVALA@FINUH Srikant Rayadurgam SRIKANT@HOQAX.ATT.COM Szajowski Krzysztof WITAKSZ@DUTINFH.TUDELFT.NL Tolwinski Boleslaw BTOLWINS@MINES Tombak Mihkel TOMBAK@FREIBA51 Verkama Markku MARKKU.VERKAMA@HUT.FI Vincent Tom VINCENT1LTL@CCIT.ARIZONA.EDU Viscolani Bruno VISCOL@IVEUNCC.BITNET Wales Jimmy JWALES3@UA1VM Wan Henry CAE@CORNELLC Well Klaus WELL@IFR.LUFTFAHRT.UNI-STUTTGART.DE White Chip USERLLRM@UMICHUM.BITNET Witten Matthew M.WITTEN@FRIO.CHPC.UTEXAS.EDU Yeung David WKYEUNG@HKUCC Zaccour Georges P076@HECMTL01 Zakharov Victor V. VVZAKH™ROBOT.APMATH.LGU.SPB.SU Zadrozny Peter PZ01@GTE.COM Zenkevich Nikolay ZENK@APMATH.LGU.SPB.SU de Zeeuw Aart ADEZEEUW@KUB.NL Zezza Pierluigi PZEZZA@IFIIDG.FI.CNR.IT Zlotkin Gilad GILAD@CS.HUJI.AC.IL Zoran Gajic GAJIC@RAMAYANA.RUTGERS.EDU xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx End of ISDG E-LETTER issue No. 11, 3 November 1993